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An Open Letter To The Corrupt Hillary Clinton



Dear Hillary Clinton,

I want you to know that you will never be my president, even if you get elected. You will never speak for me or my fellow Americans.

You can rig the system all you want to give you and your husband another term or two, but you will not convince me or anyone else that you did so justly. You are one of the most morally corrupt and dangerously self-centered people that I have ever witnessed rise to power. We the people will never stay quiet and we will never let you get away with lowering the country we love to your low standards.

Your own party has even turned against you and refused to support you after what you did to Bernie Sanders. You lied about him and used the DNC to cheat him out of the nomination. You might have forced him to kneel before you, but all you succeeded in doing was grow the divide between you and his supporters.

I hope that they cost you this election.

Right before your week long coronation ceremony, there was a massive leak of emails. Something you’d think we would be used to when it comes to you. However, somehow you managed to skate free with only having to sacrifice your number one lackey in the process, Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

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But you couldn’t just throw her away and distance yourself, that would have been crooked enough, but not Hillary levels of corruption. You instead immediately dissolved all doubt of your connection by hiring her to the head of your campaign. Who does that? Your ego has to be out of control to be so openly mocking of the electoral process.

There were enough damning emails to end a 100 politicians careers and yet for some reason the mainstream media didn’t even care. They didn’t report on any of it, including the very serious effort made to undermine, discredit, and destroy Bernie Sanders.

Instead, all anyone talked about was Russia’s alleged involvement and how this was somehow Trump’s fault. How do you get caught fixing an election and then get to blame it on your opponent? I swear, this country has finally gone off the rails and lost their mind.

I still have faith and hope in this nation and I choose to believe that we will never make the mistake that is electing you as president. I just don’t know that we have a choice. If the system is as truly rigged as I fear you have made it, then it is already too late.

Hillary, I reject you.


The American People


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