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Biden’s Transition Team Shows Emphasis on Diversity

President-elect Joe Biden's transition team shows an emphasis on diversity. People of color comprise 43% of the transition team, with women more than half at 52%. This represents a step in the direction that Biden’s campaign promised. He wants an administration that will “look like America.”
RELATED: Biden Wins – Experts On What This Means For America
Diversity Started with Choice of VP
Biden's first diversity hire came early in the campaign. He chose Kamala Harris as his Vice President, who is of black and South Asian heritage. Then, he selected his longtime adviser Ron Klain, who is white, for his first appointment as Chief of Staff.
Even as Donald Trump has yet to concede, Biden started assembling his transition team. Now, the team consists of around 500 people from all sectors of society. Hence, they have people of color, the disabled, and those from the LGBTQ community among the staff. According to a transition official, the team aims to make history. Its composition was to “represent communities historically underrepresented in the federal government.”
Diverse Voices
Transition co-chair Ted Kaufman said that this move confirms their campaign commitment. He said: “For months, the Biden-Harris transition has laid the groundwork for a Biden-Harris administration, and at the core of that work is an unrelenting commitment to diversity.”
“As we continue working full-speed ahead to Inauguration, our diverse group of leaders and staff are reflective of America — upholding President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris' belief that through diverse voices we can develop and implement a policy vision to tackle our nation's toughest challenges,” Kaufman said.
Campaign Promise
In a town hall last June with Asian American and Pacific Islander communities, Biden shared his goal. He said: “My administration's going to “look like America.” Then, he reiterated diversity will apply throughout the entire administration. He said it's “not just his staff and the vice president.” Instead, it will go “straight down through Cabinet members to major players within the White House, and the court. It's going to be a reflection of who we are as a nation.”
The composition of the campaign staff attested to the goal. Biden's presidential campaign reported that people of color comprised 46% of the staff. Meanwhile, women made up the majority at 59%. There are more women in the campaign team compared to today's present transition team.
Black Representation
Black men and women hold about 25% of the positions in Biden’s transition team. Accordingly, they expect to play an important role in evaluating federal agencies' operations. These organizations have a broad impact on Americans' everyday lives. These leaders would want to represent millions of Black Americans who feel displaced.
Tony Allen, president of Delaware State University, said: “The agency review process will help lay the foundation for meeting these challenges on Day One. We are building a team to reflect America and these Black leaders are dedicated experts in their fields.”
Reward for Election Support
The Public’s Radio opined that diversity is Biden’s way to reward Black voters for their support in the election. Black voters helped Biden lead in battleground states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. Niambi Carter, a political science professor at Howard University, says it's payback. “The Biden coalition owes a debt to Black folks,” he said.
“Black people helped them survive the primary and then in this election cycle, they showed up in key states like Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin that really pulled Joe Biden over the line. So absolutely, I think this is an attempt by not just Biden but also the Democratic Party to keep Black people in the fold,” he added.
Biden’s commitment to diversity is promising. After all, it aims to gather better representation from all sectors of society. But, getting different voices is the easy part. Getting them all to work in the same direction is the challenge they should prepare for. Hopefully, diversity opens a path of inclusion for all Americans. Otherwise, it's just another attempt at pandering to special interest voters.
Watch this as ABC News reports that President-elect Joe Biden says transition ‘well underway':

Do you support the diversity strategy of Biden’s transition team? Let us know what you think by sharing your opinions below.

I am 82 years old and i am sick and tired of hearing BLM that is just a bunch of paid THUGS of Soros of course BLM but All lives matter i grew up in Chicago in the 30′ and 40’s and 50’s ad the 60.s . i also served in the us navy. and the black people i knew have had the same Opportunity as i had . but some don’t want to Help them Selves as so do some whites . Now America is Flooded with People from INDIA and Hispanic country’s . looking for everything Free LIKE OMAR AOC TLAIB . People wake the hell up . AMERICA IS THE GREASTES Place to live on this planet!!!!
get with it!!!whites,blacks,brown people if they are actually QUALIFIED for the job only should be appointed/elected! YOU ARENT FOOLING ANYONE EXCEPT THE SHEEP!!DONT GET SLOUGH OFFS IN THERE IF YOU ARE ACTUALLY CHOSEN PRESIDENT!!!
Why is this even a question unless YOUR RACIST….Select the best qualified person for the job.
I my opinion, a president cabinet should be chosen base on qualifications, not to please an ethnic group. In this great country everyone has the same opportunities. Unfortunately, some don’t take advantage and them claim racism. I’m of Hispanic background, my parents worked hard for the American dream, without ay government help. I put myself and my children through college, again without any government help. We are s as ll doing well. The only way you can achieve in society is through hard wait and education. Putting a person without qualifications in a government cabinet can be disastrous for our country, in addition of being racist. So give me a brake. No excuses, put the quality press for the betterment of our country. Educa people to work had, get educated and then reach for the stars. If some of us do it, why not others. Welfare should be for the disabled. Stop suppressing people by providing public assistance. I don’t want to pay for others from my hard earned money. This is why our middle class is always struggling.
Very well said Maria. god bless you and your family for truly living the American dream!
MUCH ❤️ & RESPECT to All of you glad to see that there are still some sane people left
Qualified is the key word here!
I too am so sick of these terrorist BLM people and Antifa and yes they are be funded by George Soro’s and he needs to be thrown out of this Country. He hates America and WE THE PEOPLE. People should be hired for their experience only and not by the color of their skin. Oh and by the way, THERE IS ONLY ONE RACE, THE HUMAN RACE!! WE all MATTER, not just them. So sick of these liberals who are out to destroy the way of life we have all been accustomed to. Stop the nonsense and let’s get back the the REAL NORMAL!!
Bidens transition team of 43% and 52% most likely game out of N,Y, & California, or Portland Oregon where all the BLM’s and Antifa hang out. I would be surprised to know if any Red States would be on the transition team, Diversity my But!!!
Every ethnicity has come to this great country and been the minority. Those who truly want the American Dream work hard and commonly achieve it but there are always going to be some in every ethnic background who feel it’s their right to be given everything without working for it not caring that someone else had to sweat to pay the taxes that the government gives them. I come from an ethnicity where many came here as indentured servants. Some went on to be very successful and others became successful serving this great country. Many of this current group of immigrants feel it’s their right to demand what I have worked for for many years so they can be taken care of without doing the same work that I have done.
Any government jobs should be filled by qualified American citizens who respect the American Flag, Laws of the Land and the U.S. Constitution. If they want to change America to reflect immoral values then they should NEVER be given a government job. Diversity plays no part in this.
That bastard will never be my president!
You got that right, NEVER be ANYBODY’s president.
What ever happened to Martin Luther King’s dream? Not important any more! Judging someone for the color of their skin IS more important than the content of their character. Remember, oh “woke” ones, that history repeats itself, and the shoe WILL be on the other foot someday!
Are you kidding me like it really even matters he’s not gonna be the president he’s gonna lose he already lost everybody hates him I will never call this guy president he needs to take trumps team if he ends up in the fucking office and continue on the path of this country is on not go with camel toe Harris’s agenda she’s a full fool
I could not agree more with everyone of you. All of you brought up great points. Biden and his thugs are destroying America. I never thought about racism until all this planned rioting started. I look, love, and respect everyone the same. It wasn’t until all the rioting, destruction, and the fear tatics of Antifia did I even know there was rasicm. The reason there is rasicm is because of the tatics I just mentioned and due to the media. The media is major means to the lefts agenda. I am still stunned that the news is allowed to put lies out for all of us to believe. It didn’t work for a lot of people, but unfortunately it did work for those who couldn’t see what was really happening. That aside I got to thinking about history and what was happening in our country and I had a light bulb moment. How did Hitler take over Germany and get people to turn against their neighbors and friends. He first destroyed all books that referenced anything he didn’t believe in. Today, the news stopped reporting the news and started reporting what the left wanted people to believe. Then Hitler took over the radio and started dropping propaganda pamphlets out of airplanes to cause diversity and chaos among citizens. Today, Facebook, Twitter,and Whatsapp ect. started being monitored for information that the left didn’t want published and deleted unwanted information off of the sites. This keeps those that realize what’s happening from being able to get information out to the masses. Therefore,those sites can be used by the left to push their cause to the masses. Then Hitler hired thugs to recruit his military and had people turn against each other. What did we do, turn against the police which will open the door to a federal police department. That is the lefts agenda of “defund the police”. Then they will amend the the 2nd ammendment and dearm our citizens. The left is now in total control and America is no longer free. History will always repeat itself if we don’t wake up and stand up for what is right. We are not far from becoming the next fallen nation. As Americans we need to stand together, for what’s right, support our police officers, and demand that every vote be recounted where voter fraud is thought to have occurred. I know some will say that will take forever. There would be enough volunteers to get those votes counted in 2 weeks max. It’s the difference between being free and being controlled. Please feel free to copy and paste this. I want the county I love and all Americans to be free. Take a stand because it’s now or it’s never.