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Bill Clinton Is Dangerously Delusional



Bill Clinton took the stage on Tuesday's night of the Democratic National Convention. He spoke for just under an hour and detailed pretty much every detail of his and Hillary's life together. Everything that is, except for the affairs, the scandals, and the lies.

Watch for yourself and see just what Slick Willy has left to say about his wife, this country, and this election.

He paints the two of them as long time lovers who are still madly in love with each other. Despite the fact that he has had multiple affairs with anyone willing and most likely some who weren't…

He doesn't mention the struggles they went through with the White Water investigation or any of the other numerous investigations. Not once does he mention the word email. Forget about the two big Bs – Bosnia and Benghazi.

He finishes the whole speech with the audacity to accuse the Republican party of lying about his wife and in turn furthering his party's own lies about Hillary.

This is a couple who live in a complete delusional world of pure fantasy. They cannot and will not be allowed to retake the White House in 2017 and Bill Clinton should be more concerned with keeping his wife out of jail.

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