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McConnell: Greene’s “Loony Lies” Are Cancer for the GOP



According to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene’s and “loony lies and conspiracy theories” are cancer for the GOP and the country. “Somebody who’s suggested that perhaps no airplane hit the Pentagon on 9/11, that horrifying school shootings were pre-staged, and that the Clintons crashed JFK Jr.’s airplane is not living in reality,” he added.

RELATED: Rep. Greene Files Impeachment Case Against President Biden

While the Republican Senator did not mention the Georgia lawmaker by name, his statement is a reply to an NBC news question about Greene. “This has nothing to do with the challenges facing American families or the robust debates on a substance that can strengthen our party,” his statement said. McConnell’s comments are his first time addressing concerns over the neophyte representative.

Greene Fires Back

Representative Greene is a strong follower of former President Donald Trump. On Saturday, she said that Trump remains supportive of her political career. As for her critics, she said that politics motivate their attacks on her.  Greene is often seen wearing a “Trump Won” face mask when in the Capitol. She earned controversy over previous remarks made and posted on social media. These include suggesting that school shootings all over the country were fake. Also, she claimed that “Jewish Space Lasers” caused last year's California wildfires. Finally, she believes in and supports the conspiracy theory group QAnon. 

Regarding McConnell’s statement, Greene fired back a reply on Twitter. “Real cancer for the Republican Party is weak Republicans who only know how to lose gracefully. This is why we are losing our country,” she tweeted.

Inflammatory Comments

Greene’s inflammatory comments drew widespread attention after winning her primary last August. After winning her seat last November, videos of her comments began surfacing.  In addition, Republicans faced criticism when Greene joined the Education and Labor Committee. Critics asked why her when she used to question if US school shootings were fake.

Recently, Greene drew flak for refusing to wear a mask while sheltered during the January 6 Capitol attack. Since then, several Democrats who stayed with her tested positive for the coronavirus.

Democrat Resolution to Remove Greene From House Committees

House Democrats filed a resolution Tuesday to remove Greene from her two committees. Because of her recent outbursts of inflammatory and false statements, they want her out of the Education & Labor Committee and Budget committees. The House Rules Committee said it would consider the resolution Wednesday. If approved, it can lead to a floor vote.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA) expects to speak with Greene within the week. It remains unclear if the GOP will censure the Georgia representative ahead of Wednesday’s resolution. However, Republicans din say they found her comments disturbing. “Republican leaders ought to stand up and say it is totally unacceptable what she has said,” Senator Rob Portman, (OH)  told CNN Sunday. Democrat House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (MD) said he spoke to McCarthy, who confirmed plans to talk to Greene. She “must be held accountable for her reprehensible statements,” Mr. Hoyer said Monday.

Watch MSNBC’s the 11th Hour report where Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Hits Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene after spending years saying ‘No Comment' on Trump:

Cancer for the GOP?

Does Representative Greene deserve censure and removal from House committees due to her outspoken comments? Also, do you agree with Senator McConnell that Greene’s comments are cancer for the GOP and to the country? Let us know what you think of Georgia’s firebrand representative.

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