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DC on Track for Deadliest Year in 2 Decades Despite Gun Control



Washington, DC, a gun-controlled, Democrat-run city, is seeing a spike in homicides that could make this the bloodiest year there in 20 years.

Three homicides over the weekend increased the city's tally for the year to 161, which the Washington Post reported indicates “a 28 percent increase over this time in 2022.”

Jamila White, who serves as chair of the advisory neighborhood commission for the neighborhood where the most recent three murders took place, alleges that city authorities are not heeding the panel's recommendations for how to improve the situation.

White said, “Our voices and our solutions are not being acted upon. The community has been doing what it can. The community is in survival mode.”

On August 2, The DCist reported that U.S. A lawyer for D.C. A Biden appointee named Matthew Graves informed the city's citizens that his office is collaborating with police to concentrate on the suspects they believe are responsible for the murders and mayhem.

The outlet took note of “a 2022 study…[which] found that as few as 500 identifiable people, many of them involved in neighborhood crews or cliques, are responsible for 70% of the city’s shootings.” That small group comprises those on whom Graves is focused.

Giffords, the gun control organization founded by Gabby Giffords, notes that numerous gun restrictions are in place in Washington, DC, including universal background checks, licenses for gun owners, red flag laws, bans on “assault weapons” and “high capacity” magazines, registration of firearms, waiting periods before purchasing firearms, storage regulations, and many others.

Shootings in California have not been stopped by the same regulations.

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