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Donald Trump Makes The National Anthem Great Again



Watch what happens when the organizers of a Trump rally try to tell the man himself that they don't have time to sing the national anthem.

Donald Trump wants to make America great again and in doing so a return to traditional American values. Part of that is appreciation for our anthem. So you better believe that Trump stood up and demanded the song be sang.

Trump invites Sherry Wilkins out to sing, and let me tell you, she absolutely kills it.

The crowd goes nuts chanting, USA USA USA!

This moment is really important to understand. This is what is at stake. It starts with the little things, like anthems and pledges, but if we don't hold onto these traditions than all the big stuff starts to unravel with it. Donald Trump understands this and it shows.

After the amazing national anthem by Wilkins, Donald Trump calls on stage a group of women who showed up early to give their support for the candidate. Trump says “I'm telling you, women do like me.” It shows. There is no place in the world the women he greets would rather be.

Trump is slowly, but surely winning over all his opponents and facing Hillary on the other side, I see no way he can lose. Donald Trump is already making America great again.

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