
Expect Open Borders if Biden Takes White House



President Trump and Democratic hopeful Joe Biden have very different views on immigration policy, and it’s going to be one of the most hotly debated topics on the campaign trail.

President Trump’s 2016 promised to tighten up America’s loose Obama-era immigration policies in order to prevent drugs and criminals from flowing into the country. Trump promised his constituents he would build a wall along the southern border in order to protect the country from the hordes of people smugglers and drug mules that slip through the cracks every day. Almost 300 miles of the wall has already been built, but, if Biden gets his way, it’ll never get finished.

Biden’s campaign has been pretty vocal about its contempt for Trump’s border policies, especially the wall. In fact, the Sleepy Joe has promised to immediately tear it down if he takes office. Every time Biden opens his mouth he risks putting his deteriorating mental state on display, so his campaign staff and Democratic puppetmasters do most of the talking. According to one of Biden’s campaign mouthpieces, “[Trump’s] obsession with building a wall does nothing to address security challenges while costing taxpayers billions of dollars.”

Just as a side note, Biden voted to approve the 2006 Secure Fence Act during his time in the Senate.

The Border Patrol understands the danger brewing around our Southern border better than anyone else. This elite team of federal law enforcement agent work around the clock to stem the incoming tide of drugs and undocumented persons into the country. The BP knows the situation is deadly serious, so it’s no surprise that the Border Patrol Union is officially endorsing Trump for president.

Donald Trump and Joe Biden | Expect Open Borders if Biden Takes White HouseTrump recently spoke on Biden’s immigration plans during an appearance in Yuma, Arizona on Tuesday, “Joe Biden is the puppet of the radical left-wing movement that seeks the complete elimination of America’s borders and boundaries,” Trump said to the American people. “The Biden plan would unleash a flood of illegal immigration like the world has never seen.”

Tearing down the border wall is just a start. Biden’s immigration plans have plenty more unnerving policies. He’s promised to provide a pathway to citizenship for every illegal alien living in the United States, and some experts estimate that might apply to as many as 25 million people.

Biden wants to hand out green cards like it’s going out of style, but it doesn’t end there, e also wants to provide free health care for every illegal immigrant. Plus, he says he will immediately rescind President Trump’s public charge rule that prohibits non-U.S. citizens and permanent residents from accessing food stamps and welfare benefits. None of this stuff is free, so odds are the American taxpayers are going to cover the cost.

The minimum welfare disbursement in the U.S. is a small fortune in some less-developed South American countries. Under Biden’s rules, illegals just have to get into the country – which won’t be hard if the ‘open border’ Democrats get their way – and apply for Welfare. Then they can sit back, collect full benefits and healthcare, not pay a dime in taxes, and live the American dream on the U.S. taxpayer’s dollar

Biden also wants to welcome in hordes of loosely documented individuals from Middle Eastern countries that are known to be pockets of terrorist activity. One of Trump’s first executive actions was to institute travel bans on countries that posed a threat to American security, including Libya, Iran, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, North Korea, and Venezuela. The Department of Homeland Security imposed the restrictions in 2017 and 2018 because theses countries either failed to meet the minimum background check requirements or used outdated passport technology.

Unsurprisingly, Democrats took this rational national security decision and spun it into their twisted, identity-politics driven agenda. According to the lefties, the travel bans were some kind of vicious assault on innocent countries, like North Korea and Iran. All of the countries listed are known enemies of the state or terrorist hotbeds, but Biden’s campaign says it’s all because of the “Trump Administration’s anti-Muslim bias.”

If you want to hear Biden’s views on the issue, you have to go to his website because his handlers are too scared to let him speak without supervision. “The Trump Administration’s anti-Muslim bias hurts our economy, betrays our values, and can serve as a powerful terrorist recruiting tool.” Biden states on his campaign website.“It is yet another abuse of power by the Trump Administration designed to target primarily black and brown immigrants.” Biden has already promised to rescind the travel bans as soon as he takes office.

Biden and the radical left Democrats are willing to do anything to take and keep power. They want to open the door for unfettered immigration while 1-in-10 Americans don’t even have a job for themselves. It’s all part of a long-term Democratic strategy: ship in as many immigrants as we can, give them legal voting status, and turn them into lifelong Democrat voters.

Just look at Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), who was elected by a voting district that includes a large community of Somali refugees who were shipped in and settled there by President Obama. Now, Omar is one of the most radical-left America-haters in Congress. You can expect a lot more American-hating politicians in the future if Biden wins in November and the Democrats ger their way.

Trump’s policy is the opposite. He’s all about taking care of America and the American people. Everyone else comes second. The U.S. already has a very fair legal immigration process that is open to just about anyone who wants to apply. Many of the people making illegal crossing are drug dealers, criminals, or terrorists. Ask anyone who lives near the Mexican border and they’ll probably say border security should be one of the country’s top priorities.

Trump knows it too. That’s why he’s working so hard to complete the border wall despite constant harassment from congressional Democrats and mounting legal challenges from organizations backed by deep-pocketed hard-left donors. If safety and security is an important issue for you, it seems like Trump is the only choice in this election. According to the president himself, “The Biden–Harris plan is a step-by-step recipe for abolishing America’s borders.”


Photo by Gage Skidmore/Flickr

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