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FAIR: Trump’s Executive Order Sends Needed Message to Worried American Workers: We’ve Got Your Back
“The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) applauds President Trump for issuing an executive order ensuring that American workers won't be displaced from their jobs by temporary foreign workers. Such an order would be welcome and fully justified even in the best of times. Amid a global pandemic that has resulted in tens of millions of Americans losing their jobs in the past several months, the president's action is imperative.
“Temporary worker programs are intended to allow employers to access foreign labor in circumstances where U.S. workers are simply not available. That has long ceased to be the case, as employers have brazenly displaced American workers with lower-wage and less mobile guest workers. With an estimated 50 million Americans out of work since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing employers, especially those with lucrative government contracts, or even the government itself, to hire foreign guest workers is an obscene betrayal of the social contract.
“If there is any issue that our country should be able to unite around, it is that American jobs and wages must be protected from erosion by foreign labor, now and especially during the recovery ahead as job opportunities expand. President Trump's action reflects his on-going commitment to our nation's workforce. Specifically, his order addresses the perverse reality that Americans are subsidizing their own demise when companies that are profiting from taxpayer-supported government contracts displace American workers with foreign workers. That ends today, and hopefully for good.
PRESS RELEASE – Trump’s Executive Order Sends Needed Message to Worried American Workers: We’ve Got Your Back.
— FAIR (@FAIRImmigration) August 3, 2020
“The president's order should be just a first step in reforming our massively abused guest worker programs. Congress must now step up and reform our guest worker programs to ensure that they provide needed workers, not cheaper workers who undermine the opportunities and wages of citizens and permanent residents.
“Today's executive order is welcome news and should be supported by all who care, or claim to care about the plight of legions of American workers who have lost jobs during this crisis.”
Contact: Matthew Tragesser, 202-328-7004 or
Founded in 1979, FAIR is the country's largest immigration reform group. With over 2 million members and supporters nationwide, FAIR fights for immigration policies that serve national interests, not special interests. FAIR believes that immigration reform must enhance national security, improve the economy, protect jobs, preserve our environment, and establish a rule of law that is recognized and enforced.