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Fully Vaccinated Bill Maher Halts Production After Testing Positive For Covid-19
Following Bill Maher’s positive COVID-19 test, HBO announced on Friday that no episode of the host’s show, “Real Time with Bill Maher” this week.
According to Deadline, Maher, who is vaccinated and is experiencing asymptomatic COVID-19, tested positive during HBO’s weekly PCR testing regimen for the production of the show.
A spokeswoman for the network told Deadline that the Friday taping of “Real Time with Bill Maher” was canceled. The statement also said that the production team behind Real Time has taken all the precautionary measures following CDC guidelines. It added that no other staff or crew members of the show had tested positive.
The report then mentioned that the show will be rescheduled.
In line with this, Maher took to social media to apologize to fans for breaking his streak. Before this, the host never missed an episode of his shows since 1993.
Currently, Real Time with Bill Maher is on its 19th season on HBO. It was also the first major show that brought back a small, albeit live, audience after the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown.
Some episodes of the show were filmed at the host’s backyard prior to a return to the studio.
As per Breitbart News, the host claimed that the “constant gloom” surrounding the pandemic is “counterproductive,” due to most people giving up because they believe “we’re always going to be living with it.”
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Why are we testing vaccinated people??
Either the vaccine works or it doesn’t.