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Google Sells Its Soul To The Dark Queen Hillary
It turns out Google is a pawn working for Hillary.
SourceFeed made a shocking discovery when they looked how search engines autofill their search bar. It was normal when looking for Bernie Sander or Donald Trump, but when you try to look Hillary Clinton than the searches become something weird.
When typing Hillary Clinton I… as in Indictment, the thing that every search engine shows. Google instead shows Hillary Clinton India. I can personally guarantee you that no one is searching for Hillary Clinton and India in one sentence.
This is a big deal considering that Google is the countries number one search engine and a way that millions of Americans check their facts and get their news each day.
Why would Google take such a giant risk of attempting to rig an election? Well, it turns out that their former head, Eric Schmidt, who is now the chairman of their parent company, now funds a company that works for Hillary Clinton. Ohh did I mention that he also works for the Pentagon too? No, I'm sure this is all just one big coincidence.
Watch this video and be warned. Google has the power to sway upwards of 25% of all elections and when you have that much money mixed with these levels of political power it is not a question of if, but rather how long has then been going on and how long will it continue.