
Guess Who’s Back….Lying Ted Cruz



  • Ted Cruz is planning his comeback.
  • A dinner with over 20 conservative leaders was held in the honor of Ted Cruz's resurrection.
  • Apparently, they are planning a Ronald Reagan type comeback for Ted in 2020.

Lying Ted Cruz recently had  dinner with over 20 conservative leaders to discuss his miraculous comeback, in the vein of Ronald Reagan.

The dinner was held at the house of Brent Bozell, the founder of the Media Research Center. Can you image? Twenty or more old frumpy men sitting around a table with a beer in hand, discussing the political career of Ted Cruz. That's a dinner I wouldn't mind missing.

Many of the patrons at the dinner compared Ted's political standing to that of Ronald Reagan's in 1976. In 1976 Ronald Reagan lost his initial bid for the presidency, yet when he came back in 1980 he dominated the election. All those old conservatives believe that in 2020 Ted Cruz will have great potential for a political comeback.

Apparently, the meeting was to discuss how to position Ted in a way that will allow them to launch a political campaign in the future. They also discussed how to steer the conservative party from Ted's seat in the Senate. Of course, in a way that will make him grade A beef in the next presidential elections.

Now, I do have to say that if Ted Cruz and the leaders of the conservative party are planning his resurgence four years in advance, he might have a chance. A lot can happen in four years, and if Ted Cruz is prepared, who knows what can happen.

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