Must Watch
Hillary Is Circling The Drain
Chris Matthews interviews ex-Hillary Clinton adviser Sidney Blumenthal. Right off the bat Matthew Asks Blumenthal if he had been interviewed by the FBI.
The long term Clinton ally dodged the question and remarked about how he wanted the Justice Department to wrap up their interview quickly and release some transparent statements on the issue. Blumenthal ignored the question just like the master of deception he is.
Chris Matthews flatly asked him again ““But Sid, have you been interviewed by the FBI yet on this matter?”
Sidney Blumenthal flatly responded ““I really don’t want to talk about an ongoing inquiry right now.”
There is your answer for you. I hope Sidney understand that the Clintons will serve him up on a silver platter to the justice department and does the right thing in cooperating. Hillary has no love for anyone that isn't her and has a flawless track record of escaping scandals that her subordinates don't.
What this interview tells me is that the FBI and Justice Departments are closing in on Hillary and we might get her out of the election before November. However, I am still skeptical that as long as a Democrat is in the White House she will see no repercussions for her actions. Most likely another one of her lackeys, like Sidney, will fall on her sword. If push comes to shove, I'm sure her pal Barack will grant her a pardon.
1 Comment
Strong negative campaign which turns off voters. Says why Trump is not qualified but doesn’t say why she is.