National Security
ISIS Attempts To Blow Germany Off The Map
- ISIS Blows Germany Off The Map (Image: MGN)
- A suicide bomber gravely injured fifteen people at a music festival in Germany.
- The bomber, a refugee, had been denied asylum and was in the process of being deported.
- A cell phone, belonging to the bomber, was found and a video of him proclaiming his allegiance to ISIS was discovered.
A music festival was underway in Ansbach, Germany when a Syrian refugee entered the concert and martyred himself for the Islamic States cause. The suicide bomber left behind a video of himself pledging his allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the ISIS leader.
If there was any doubt that the Islamic State had anything to do with the attack, the media group Amaq, an ISIS affiliate claimed responsibility.
The Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann claimed that the video was left on the bombers phone. In the video, he claimed that he was going to go through with his attack “as an act of revenge against Germans because they obstruct Islam.” Apparently, the video went on to say that the attack was in retaliation for the killings of Muslims.
There were 15 people that were injured in the blast, four of which were considered to be serious.
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This past week has been one of pain and sorrow for Germany. Constant attacks have been going on since July 18th. First, it was the stabbing of passengers on a train in Wurzburg by a teen. Then the mass shooting that took lives of nine people in Munich. As well as, just hours before the bombing in Ansbach, a women killed by a refugee seeking asylum.
The constant war, violence, pain, and sorrow, has put a lot of the blame no to the shoulders of Chancellor Angela Merkel. Her “opened armed” stance on immigration is taking the majority of the blame.
In reports from last year, it was stated that Germany had welcomed over one million refugees. This fact was enough to cause citizens to fear the uprising of Islamic radicals among the refugees seeking asylum.
In fact, the bomber that ended up injuring fifteen people was a refugee himself. Apparently, his application for asylum had been denied and he was due to be deported to Bulgaria. The German Interior Thomas de Maiziere said the bomber had applied for asylum back in 2014. His deportation was postponed, due to medical evaluations. It was not clearly stated why, but the bomber was then placed in a psychiatric clinic. It was also said that he attempted suicide twice before the final bombing attack.
A suspicious person was reported to be lingering outside the music festival after he was denied entry due to the lack of a ticket. The man apparently had a backpack on and was passing up and down outside the entrance. Finally, he went to a nearby outdoor seating area. That is where the explosion took place. Not only did the bomber want to kill himself, but he had filled his backpack with nails to inflict as much pain on the surrounding people as possible.
The Islamic State is not just a menace, they are a constant threat. They want one thing and one thing only, and that is to kill anyone and anything that gets in the way of their “precious” Allah.