Must Watch

John Kerry Is A Dangerous Fool



John Kerry is an extraordinary fool.

In this video, Kerry mentions the terrible and devastating attacks on 9/11 and then uses the attack to justify how America should have no walls. That's right, John Kerry thinks that because we failed to defend ourselves on that day, that we should give up the idea of defense as a whole.

“Many of you were in elementary school when you learned the toughest lesson of all on 9/11. There are no walls big enough to stop people from anywhere, tens of thousands of miles away, who are determined to take their own lives while they target others. So I think that everything we have lived and learned tells us that we will never come out on top if we accept advice from soundbite salesmen and carnival barkers, who pretend that the most powerful country on earth can remain great by looking inward and hiding behind walls at a time when technology has made that impossible to do and unwise to even attempt.”

Included in that idiotic statement is a rather strong jab at Donald Trump, whom I am sure won't refrain from firing back. It also ends with a special kind of wisdom for today's youth. If something is hard work then why even attempt it.

This is how Democrats like John Kerry think and preach to the younger generations. Don't work hard in life and always be looking for the next handout. Pathetic.

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