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Trump Response to WSJ Editorial: Nobody Cares Much



Former President Donald Trump on Thursday fired back at a Wall Street Journal editorial issued last Tuesday: Nobody cares much. The editorial called out the Republican Party to move on from Trump. In effect, the Wall Street Journal blamed him for the GOP’s recent string of losses.  

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Nobody Cares Much

In a statement released Thursday, Trump accused the paper’s opinion section of supporting “globalist policies” and fighting for Republicans RINOs (Republican In Name Only). Specifically, he said the WSJ supports policies that subject America to bad trade deals, porous borders, and endless wars. Also, the WSJ supports RINOs, a GOP subset that he said hurt the Republican Party. In addition, Trump said that thankfully, nobody pays attention to the news organization. “They have lost credibility,” he wrote. 

WSJ Editorial

Earlier, the WSJ editorial board published a scathing editorial last March 2. They called on the GOP leadership to start moving away from the Trump era. In particular, they claimed that while Trump won his election in 2016, he lost the next one. Then,  Trump also played a big role in losing the House and the Senate. Consequently, the GOP lost two traditional red states, Georgia and Arizona. 

The paper also blamed the former President for losing Georgia’s runoff race. The Democrats captured two Senate seats there, tipping the Senate balance of power to Democrats. “As long as Republicans focus on the grievances of the Trump past, they won’t be a governing majority,” the editorial board concluded. 

Donald Trump’s Reply In Full

Not one to ignore brickbats, Trump fired back at the WSJ. He took the time to respond to WSJ to set the record straight. Here is his full statement: 

“The Wall Street Journal editorial page continues, knowingly, to fight for globalist policies such as bad trade deals, open borders, and endless wars that favor other countries and sell out our great American workers, and they fight for RINOS that have so badly hurt the Republican Party. That’s where they are and that’s where they will always be. Fortunately, nobody cares much about The Wall Street Journal editorial anymore. They have lost great credibility.”

“To set the record straight, there were two reasons the Senate races were lost in Georgia. First, Republicans did not turn out to vote because they were so angry and disappointed with Georgia Republican leadership and Governor Kemp for failing to stand up to Stacey Abrams and the disastrous Consent Decree that virtually eliminated signature verification requirements across the state (and much worse), and was not approved by the State Legislature as required by the Constitution—having a major impact on the result, a rigged election. Second, Senator Mitch McConnell’s refusal to go above $600 per person on the stimulus check payments when the two Democrat opponents were touting $2,000 per person in ad after ad. This latter point was used against our Senators and the $2,000 will be approved anyway by the Democrats who bought the Georgia election—and McConnell let them do it!”

“Even more stupidly, the National Republican Senatorial Committee spent millions of dollars on ineffective TV ads starring Mitch McConnell, the most unpopular politician in the country, who only won in Kentucky because President Trump endorsed him. He would have lost badly without this endorsement.”

WSJ Issues A Response to Trump

Soon after Trump’s statement, the WSJ issued yet another editorial going over Trump’s responses. After rebutting the former President’s statements, they concluded that losing to “Joe Biden of all people” must feel painful. Soon as Trump and the GOP realize and accept their loss, the sooner they can position themselves for the next elections. They also mocked Trump’s dismissal of their paper.  “For someone who says we don't matter, he sure spends a lot of time reading and responding to us. Thanks for the attention,” the wrote.

Watch the MSNBC Morning Joe video discussing why the GOP must look past the Trump era:

Do you agree with President Trump’s assertion that nobody cares much about the Wall Street Journal? Or, do you agree with the WSJ’s points that say the GOP needs to move on? Tell us what you think about the WSJ’s editorial and how it affects the GOP. Share your comments below.

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