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McConnell Warns Democrats Of A Nuclear Winter If They Remove Filibuster

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) warned Senate Democrats of a ‘nuclear winter’ if they persist in removing the filibuster. He told Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and his party mates that this action will harm the institution long-term.
RELATED: Democrats Plan To Squeeze GOP Over Filibuster
McConnell Warns of a Legislative Nuclear Winter
Currently, Republican senators are using the filibuster to block two Democratic election reform bills. With the 2022 elections approaching,
Democrats are thinking of removing the filibuster in order to ramrod the bills to approval. A filibuster is a device in the Senate that allows an opposing Senator to give a speech and delay a vote for a bill.
As the filibustering senator can speak without limits, the Senate can only vote to halt the speech if ⅗ r 60 Senators vote to do so.
However, neither party has the requisite 60 votes to stop any filibuster. Oftentimes, threatening to filibuster is more than enough to dissuade the other party from proposing a vote for a bill.
As a result, Schumer and the Democrats want to remove the filibuster in order to push voting for their voting rights bills. However, McConnell said that if the Dems push through with their, the GOP will make sure nothing will get done in the Senate.
Democrats Want To Take Over Elections From The Top Down
Speaking on the Senate floor, McConnell warned of a bigger Democrat plan to control the elections. “The Senate Democratic leader is trying to bully his own members into breaking their word, breaking the Senate, and silencing the voices of millions of citizens,” McConnell warned.
He added that they are doing this “so that one political party can take over our nation’s elections from the top down.”
In addition, McConnell reminded everyone that the GOP leadership continued to work despite the January 6 capitol riot outside.
Then, he called out Schumer and President Joe Biden for attacking voter reforms made in Georgia. He deplored their use of “fake hysteria” and “Jim Crow” in making their case.
Despite allegations, Georgia enforces less restrictive election measures compared to Democrat-run states like New York and Delaware.
Abolishing Filibuster Will Lead to a Flood of Partisan Legislation
McConnell also warned that removing the filibuster can shake the Senate’s foundations. He quoted the late West Virginia Democratic Senator Robert Byrd, who was also against removing the filibuster.
Byrd once said that if there is danger in removing the filibuster, or if budget reconciliation becomes the norm. A dangerous precedent will allow parties “to pass sweeping partisan legislation every time there is a change in political control. “Our nation may never see stable governing again,” McConnell quoted Byrd.
“By breaking the Senate, [Schumer] wants to silence the voices of millions and millions of Americans,” McConnell reiterated. He added that the Dems want to subject states that disagree with progressive policies into a “political power outage.”
McConnell and the GOP Will Make It Inconvenient For The Majority
In addition, McConnell issued a warning to Schumer. He said that if he succeeds in silencing the minority, the GOP will find ways to be heard.
McConnell vowed to make their voices heard that will prove more inconvenient to the Democrats and the White House. In addition, he likened the aftermath of removing the filibuster to a nuclear winter.
The Senate minority leader promised that a nuclear winter Senate won’t be able to do much. He personally guaranteed that it won’t be more efficient or more productive.
In fact, he believes that Democrats don’t appreciate how many times per day the Senate needs unanimous consent. Consequently, he guaranteed that nobody will win If they continue to insist on removing the filibuster.
Watch the Forbes Breaking News video reporting that Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell issues a warning: ‘We're poised to witness something that has never happened before in living memory'

Do you agree with McConnell’s threats to turn the Senate into a nuclear winter if the Dems remove the filibuster? Or, are you in favor of removing the Senate’s weapon to prevent one side from ramming through legislation?
Let us know what you think. Share your thoughts below.

1 Comment
This will work only if the Republicans Have the Balls to stand up instead of rolling over.