Must Watch

Obama Proves Himself A Fool Once Again In Vietnam



On Obama's “historic” trip to Vietnam this week, he has had a great many PR stunts. However, this one may take the cake.

In the video, we see the president beat boxing while encouraging a local girl to rap for the audience.

What president before would ever have done a display like this? It's as if the very role of president is just one giant joke to the man. However, he encourages the girl who goes onto to rap something in Vietnamese that she translates to being about economic and gender equality. Fitting for our current president.

Obama's time is thankfully running very short, but he never passes up an opportunity to make an awkward gesture on the world stage that weakens the office he serves.

The whole exchange in the video is very typical of the man while being typically hard to stomach. I sware we have given weapons to Vietnam just for the photo ops the president has taken.

He goes on to talk about inspiration. A man who has failed at every opportunity to even inspire his own party. You can look at the current mess the Democratic Party is in and blame it directly on the crises of leadership that he has instilled in them.

November Can't come soon enough.

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