Election 2016
Paul Ryan Is Playing Coy For A Republican Nomination

Paul Ryan Is Playing Coy For A Republican Nomination (Image: TheWeek)
- Paul Ryan adamantly refuses to accept the Republican nomination for president.
- “I do not want, not will accept, the nomination for our party,” Ryan said.
- Ryan’s attempt to shut down presidential rumors has been met with skepticism, since just last fall he refused multiple times to run for Speaker of the House before ultimately accepting the job.
- Campaign quality highlight videos of his agenda from his communications staff only fueled speculation that Ryan was positioning himself for something bigger.
House Speaker Paul Ryan said Tuesday that he adamantly refused to accept the Republican nomination for president, even if a deadlocked convention tries to place his name into nomination in July.
“Let me be clear, I do not want, nor will I accept, the nomination for our party,” Ryan said at the Republican National Committee offices in Washington, D.C., this afternoon.
Ryan has unsuccessfully tried to tamp down speculation that he would accept the nomination if he was pressed into service by Republican delegates at the summer convention in Cleveland.
“I simply believe that if you want to be the nominee for our party, to be the president, you should actually run for it. I chose not to do this. Therefore, I should not be considered, period, end of story,” he said today.
Ryan’s attempt to shut down presidential rumors has been met with skepticism, since just last fall he refused multiple times to run for Speaker of the House before ultimately accepting the job. He reversed his decision after Republican party leaders and donors pressed him.
When challenged by reporters about the similarities, Ryan dismissed comparisons to his refusal to run for Speaker as an “apples and oranges” difference.
“I will not allow my name,” he said. “I am opposed to my name being put in place.”
However, Ryan’s own actions make clear he wants a role in directing the future of the Republican party, especially after presidential candidate Donald Trump earned frontrunner status after several of the early state primaries.
In his statement, Ryan indicated that he would continue efforts to promote the Republican agenda.
“Not running does not mean I’m going to disappear,” he said. “As Speaker of the House, I believe that I have not just an opportunity but an obligation to advance that debate.”
Campaign quality highlight videos of his agenda from his communications staff only fueled speculation that Ryan was positioning himself for something bigger.
He admitted that his efforts had contributed to speculation about his intentions, but insisted that it was not about running for president.
“We have too much work to do in the House to allow this speculation to swirl or to have my motivations questioned,” he explained.
Source: Breitbart

He is already a proven elitist back stabber and liar, immediately upon being chosen as speaker.
He speaks both sides of his mouth. Will not trust a word he says. He’s just another liar like all the rest of the politicians!!! I DON’T trust any of them! NONE!!!
Ryan is the establishment! Boehner hand picked Ryan after Boehner gave Obama the Omnibus anti-American budget! Ryan is a GOP piece of shit like Preibus/McCain/McConnell and they should be tried for Treason!
Do the job you are supposed to be doing as speaker,, Obama isn’t right about anything and you go along with him ,, You are suppose to do what the people want,, You work for US ,, Not Obama he is suppose to work for us also,, Defend the Constitution,, and don’t change it, Do not run!
I do not trust him. He is obamas puppet
I don’t trust him.
Because he is basically a liar by nature
Since he as lied about everything he promised, why wouldn’t he be lying about not wanting the nomination.
I really did have hope for the GOP when Paul became the Spkr. Of The Hse.. He has since shown he is to big a part of the elites to really try to make a difference. He ignores the will of the people and seems to be a part of Obama.
joke !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Paul is a progressive and he and his cohorts have a plan to form a one nation world.
He has no guts just like the speaker before him he has no guts to stand up to Obama he has not done anything good for the country so far he has let Obama get away with signing a bill that takes away my Social Security checks and they did not stop him he can not seem to stop Obama or the won`t he better start doing his job or he will loose the election for the republicans
Of course he is. Rino Ryan is just running his usual playbook. He is totally self-serving and cannot be trusted. Actions speak louder than words.
Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus need to feel the wrath of the voters they are screwing over — and they will.
I do not trust him! He went after Tea Party/Conservative people in the House for the Leadership at the time and then made demands before accepting his current position in the House of Reps.
He is the part of the republican regime. They want status quo. He will be nominee and pick Cruz as his running mate and together they will push through TPP. They wrote in April 2015 they wanted TPA. How stupid Donald Trump has been to fall into their traps and not talk about this important issue that will surely destroy America’s economy.
First I would make it clear that I support Senator Cruz for President.
As for paul ryan, who know where this guy is coming from. Over the years he has had a lot to say about what needs to be done to turn around our economy.
As had been pointed out many times by many people paul ryan said he did not want to be Speaker of the House but took it anyways. We do not know what paul ryan will decide in the end if the aristocratic elite politicians are successful in placing his name on the ballot at the convention. Will it be the same as it was for the Speaker of the House, we will not know until after they have shafted the registered republicans who voted in the primaries and those who became delegates.
This is where I believe everyone should be looking to figure out paul ryan. He like mitch mcconnell has repeated stated give us the House, give us the Senate and we will do wonderful things.
Well they got the House, they got the Senate and the first thing they do is pass a budget funding all of president obama’s illegal/unconstitutional executive orders. Great job paul ryan, great job mitch mcconnell.
Yesterday we heard IRS secretary koskinen
say that they turn a blind eye to illegal aliens using false Social Security numbers to file taxes. A few years ago the supreme court made a decision it was not against the law for an illegal alien to use the social security number that did not belong to them because they did not know it was fake.
Well, paul ryan and mitch mcconnell just what have you done to rectify that. Pass a law that MAKES IT ILLEGAL to use a Social Security number that does not belong to you period and make it so the Courts have no jurisdiction over this issue.
Begin to do you jobs and protect the AMERICAN CITIZENS against the illegal alien invaders.
He is a lifetime politician and a big part of the culture of corruption in The District of Corruption.