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Perspective Of Political Office | Pop Politics: When Public Servants Seek the Limelight




It is as if we are currently living in a warped reality.

When you compare some of the ideals at the time of the country’s founding to today, there are several stark contrasts that we may observe. For instance, political office today is viewed as a prestigious accomplishment that is accompanied by numerous perks. Wealth, pensions, and luxurious per diem expenses are commonplace. This was not always so. Many of our greatest thinkers and public servants died broke.

George Washington, despite owning land, was essentially up to his eye balls in debt when he assumed the office of President. Thomas Jefferson likewise, ran up debt like nobody’s business. It took Jefferson approximately fifty years to construct Monticello, only to have it sold via auction after his death in order to cover his debts.

Comparably, over half of the current U.S. Senators are millionaires. The recent example of the Clintons going from broke to vastly wealthy is indicative of the current political culture. Politicians today are able to secure wealth by wielding political power and influence.

Our founders never embraced politics as a full time career. Even while serving our country, individuals such as Washington and Jefferson still owned land, farmed, and relied on harvests for their personal revenue. In fact Jefferson once said:

thomas jefferson Perspective Of Political Office | Pop Politics: When Public Servants Seek the Limelight

“In a virtuous government, and more especially in times like these, public offices are what they should be – burdens to those appointed to them which it would be wrong to decline, though foreseen to bring them intense labor and great private loss.” – Thomas Jefferson

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The key word there being “burden”.

Current New York Senator, Chuck Schumer has known a life of nothing but political office. The man graduates from law school and heads straight into the New York state assembly. From there he moved up until he reached his current mantle of U.S. Senator from the state of New York.

Are we to be impressed by this? What “real-world” knowledge does Chuck Schumer possess? And yet, Senator Schumer has interfered with our lives through legislative means since 1975.

Finally, I’d like to address local vs federal elections and the impact that each respectively were envisioned to have. Early in our country’s history, the federal government did not actually do much. In fact, they had to redraw governing powers because the Articles of Confederation did not grant enough authority to the federal government. The concept was that the federal government would be involved in only what was deemed necessary and the rest would be left to the states and local governments. Unfortunately, today the citizenry views the federal government as the more powerful entity. Simply look at election participation between a Presidential Election cycle and a local election taken place during a midterm. What category of politician really has more influence in reality – federal or local?

Why it’s the local officials. They get to tell you what buildings can be built (zoning), the tax rate on your home, are responsible for the roads you drive on every day, etc. Our society has candidly fallen into the trap and aura of federal politicians. We have allowed them to grasp power through overreach.

What can be done about it?

Federal term limits on all politicians (and I would include federal judges as well) needs to come to fruition through a Constitutional Amendment. There are two processes for adding an amendment, with one of these pathways going through Congress. Since that will never happen (why would they devalue their own power), we must support Article V – Convention of States. It is in this event that the states can propose and adopt amendments if a sizable majority approves. This is truly the only legitimate and feasible mechanism to get the job done.

Additionally, we as a society need to refocus into local politics. They are the easiest elections to win and the most flexible for the average citizen to serve. Conservatives should flood into their local elections and advocate for common ideals such as limited government and low taxes. Excitement around local elections would further cement the idea that politicians should be made up of like-minded citizens, not lawyers who haven’t held a private sector job in their entire adult life.

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