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Perspective Of Political Office | Pop Politics: When Public Servants Seek the Limelight




It is as if we are currently living in a warped reality.

When you compare some of the ideals at the time of the country’s founding to today, there are several stark contrasts that we may observe. For instance, political office today is viewed as a prestigious accomplishment that is accompanied by numerous perks. Wealth, pensions, and luxurious per diem expenses are commonplace. This was not always so. Many of our greatest thinkers and public servants died broke.

George Washington, despite owning land, was essentially up to his eye balls in debt when he assumed the office of President. Thomas Jefferson likewise, ran up debt like nobody’s business. It took Jefferson approximately fifty years to construct Monticello, only to have it sold via auction after his death in order to cover his debts.

Comparably, over half of the current U.S. Senators are millionaires. The recent example of the Clintons going from broke to vastly wealthy is indicative of the current political culture. Politicians today are able to secure wealth by wielding political power and influence.

Our founders never embraced politics as a full time career. Even while serving our country, individuals such as Washington and Jefferson still owned land, farmed, and relied on harvests for their personal revenue. In fact Jefferson once said:

thomas jefferson Perspective Of Political Office | Pop Politics: When Public Servants Seek the Limelight

“In a virtuous government, and more especially in times like these, public offices are what they should be – burdens to those appointed to them which it would be wrong to decline, though foreseen to bring them intense labor and great private loss.” – Thomas Jefferson

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The key word there being “burden”.

chuck schumer Perspective Of Political Office | Pop Politics: When Public Servants Seek the Limelight

Current New York Senator, Chuck Schumer has known a life of nothing but political office. The man graduates from law school and heads straight into the New York state assembly. From there he moved up until he reached his current mantle of U.S. Senator from the state of New York.

Are we to be impressed by this? What “real-world” knowledge does Chuck Schumer possess? And yet, Senator Schumer has interfered with our lives through legislative means since 1975.

Finally, I’d like to address local vs federal elections and the impact that each respectively were envisioned to have. Early in our country’s history, the federal government did not actually do much. In fact, they had to redraw governing powers because the Articles of Confederation did not grant enough authority to the federal government. The concept was that the federal government would be involved in only what was deemed necessary and the rest would be left to the states and local governments. Unfortunately, today the citizenry views the federal government as the more powerful entity. Simply look at election participation between a Presidential Election cycle and a local election taken place during a midterm. What category of politician really has more influence in reality – federal or local?

Why it’s the local officials. They get to tell you what buildings can be built (zoning), the tax rate on your home, are responsible for the roads you drive on every day, etc. Our society has candidly fallen into the trap and aura of federal politicians. We have allowed them to grasp power through overreach.

What can be done about it?

Federal term limits on all politicians (and I would include federal judges as well) needs to come to fruition through a Constitutional Amendment. There are two processes for adding an amendment, with one of these pathways going through Congress. Since that will never happen (why would they devalue their own power), we must support Article V – Convention of States. It is in this event that the states can propose and adopt amendments if a sizable majority approves. This is truly the only legitimate and feasible mechanism to get the job done.

Additionally, we as a society need to refocus into local politics. They are the easiest elections to win and the most flexible for the average citizen to serve. Conservatives should flood into their local elections and advocate for common ideals such as limited government and low taxes. Excitement around local elections would further cement the idea that politicians should be made up of like-minded citizens, not lawyers who haven’t held a private sector job in their entire adult life.

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YOU ASKED – WE ANSWERED. Click here to see your questions & comments answered in A Further Insight Into The Convention Of States

UP NEXT: If you are interested in the corrupt actions of unworthy public servants, check out Dem Rep Gets 10 Years For Money Laundering And Bribery

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  • Robert Theriot says:

    While I did not support and Article V Convention prior to the election, feeling that the Pandora’s Box that would be opened would provide too much opportunity for unwanted results. However, I did not grasp the full import of the citizen’s feelings and attitude that resulted in the election of now President Donald Trump. As a consequence, my mind now tells me that this is most definitely the proper time for an Article V Convention and it should proceed immediately before the citizenry becomes complacent again.

  • john says:

    Harry reid was reasonably well off when elected. Used his political power to steal land thru BLM and other factors to make himself and his family multi millionares.

    • SouthernPatriot says:

      From reports I have read of those who knew Demented Harry when he arrived in D.C. was that he was not reasonably well off. He had a few personal belongings but nothing more than the lower middle class, Using his contacts in the Democrat Party and very likely influence peddling and quid pro quo, he enriched himself to become a multi-millionaire (and also his son) even before land swaps and purchases and Bully Land Mis-Management.

  • Paul Aldredge says:

    I agree because I remember the White Water scandal and I remember Hillary saying when she and Bill left the White House, they were broke. I’m on disability and I’m not jealous, I’m against political corruption

  • Charles says:

    To paraphrase Will Rogers………………….” I’ve never trusted a politician I’ve met.”…….And, I’ve met quite a few in
    my time.

  • Dominick Adrian Mas says:

    Politicians in place as our Representatives working towards fortune and fame, at the expense of the citizens here, is a crime and it is defined as treason. We the People are supposed to be protected from such conditions by our rrepresentatives with the oath they proclaimed to the Constitution, yet they work to profit off of the failure of the majority. There is no where to turn to have grievances and crimes committed against US heard because they made it all about them.

  • SAM says:


  • Barbie says:

    I agree because you accurately described the present political scene. Perfect timing as President Trump described the same thing in his inaugural address. No wonder the present political regime is so anti-Trump. God bless the USA

  • jerryL says:

    Federal Government has become our biggest internal problem. Huge over reach and expense…. runaway spending…. corruption… “professional politicians,” who lack common sense, are not guided by morality or ethics. It needs to stop. Term limits are sorely needed as well as a much lower level “cash bar,” bringing an end to self-centered, selfish perks and privilege. Get back to the constitution.

  • Don says:

    When a person contacts the reps the only answer given is YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT IS GOING ON but the only people who do not understand is the man in office.

  • Marvin says:

    Is there a way to hold a Article V convention and limit what can be changed? I am all for term limits and it should include the Supreme Court Judges as well.

  • Charlotte Blair says:

    That would put power back in the hands of the people, they are more than just a number.

  • William Beattie says:

    I am against an article V convention. The founders of our nation worked solely for the betterment of the nation as a whole. Look carefully at our constitution and see what it targets. A small federal government, responsible for NATIONAL policies. They may have disagreed on the methods, but they agreed on the principles.

    Now we have a group of people who have forgotten their duty to the country as a whole. They bicker about the current partisan issues and which parry will have their party become victorious. Little to no concern about the affect their “victory” will have on the governed.

    I would SUPPORT an article V convention if it reflected what is best for the nation as a whole. Unfortunately, I do not see that happening. This 21st century is centered on a me, me, me basis. I see little we, we, we which is necessary if generating proper constitutional amendment. you think there is bickering in Congress now? Imagine when an entire nation is trying to get THEIR pet issue represented the way THEY believe.

    The founders, as shown in the article, sacrificed much in order to discard personal feelings in order to SERVE their constituents, but, moreover the nation as a whole.

    The other thing that motivated them was HONOR. We see how much honor is present in the current congress. How much HONOR is present in today’s society. If honor is the topmost requirement to be elected, how have the present members of congress get re-elected so many times?

    Amending the constitution would require the qualities held by those who wrote the original constitution. Do you believe you can find many who qualify?

    From observation, I doubt so.

  • ONLYJB1 says:

    Notice the neck strap? Notice the flag behind his back? G A Y rainbow. Yep! Time to put an end to this crap!

  • George C Atkinson says:

    Why? Look at the cost of the last POTUS and his families unwarranted spending of tax payer dollars for unnecessary vacations, golf trips and support of Mrs Obama’s staff. The first lady’s staff should be limited to one.
    The perks of the congress and senate are ones that were authorized by the same. All pay and benefits should be voted on by the citizens, not the recipients. I served 20 years in the military and retired with 50% of my base pay. The retirement benefits of our so called senators and congressmen are a complete disgrace, especially since they are responsible for the sad shape of the U.S. economy. They have shown that they cannot uphold their oath of office and should be immediately charged the same as someone that lies to congress. Laws are passed that cannot possibly be enforced. Most of the senators and congressmen are lawyers, or have a strong legal background. They search for any possible legal means to circumvent the U.S. Constitution. The laws they make are to be interpreted by lawyers and it only serves for a income base for the legal population. I am absolutely fed up with the past conduct of our representatives that only serve to serve themselves.

  • cliff says:

    It is TIME to put into place TERM LIMITS.
    “politicians” (as TRUMP so rightly put it) are getting filthy RICH off the backs of “We the TAXPAYERS” And we are left with crumbs to live on.

  • David Blakeman says:

    The whole damn government is corrupt and incapable of doing the job that they were
    elected to do. They are supposed to be servants of the people, not the nobility of
    the United States of the .01%. They do not deserve the Golden Retirement or the
    Golden Medical that they have voted themselves. They all should be on social insecurity
    and medicare, just like the rest of us. Limited to two terms in office, then go and get
    a job, just like the rest of us. And I have NEVER been able to vote myself a raise.
    The longer in office, the more corrupt the politician becomes, until he/she is owned by
    the rich, the powerful and no longer a servant of the people who elected them to the
    office. Not a one of them have honored their “Oath of Office”. A “Noble Profession”
    I think not, it’s just a license to steal.
    I am a senior citizen and a Viet Nam veteran with a limited income.
    I have to live on SOCIAL INSECURITY and DO NOT have spare money
    to pay for anything extra. Every penny that I get has to go somewhere to keep me
    on this planet (food, fuel, bills, you know all those pesky things).
    When I swore my oath to defend my country from all enemies
    foreign and domestic. Little did I realize that it would be from
    my own Government.
    I Love My Country, it’s my Government that I don’t trust.
    And my Oath of Enlistment has no expiration date.

  • Mark Viets says:

    Career politics have opened the door to massive graft & corruption. It has promoted a career of special Interests that entice and exploit the offices held by politicians to the demise of the American People.

  • Ron says:

    There should be term limits because most of the politicians are strictly for themselves not us.

  • Phyllis says:

    Our politicians are so far removed from most of us, that they have no concept of what it’s like to live in the real world. They have become so greedy and self serving that they will do just about anything to stay in power, and increase their wealth for as long as they can, with no concern for the people .We need term limits to force them out of office before they make a career of having unlimited power and wealth. Maybe they will actually work for the people who elected them. I also think the lifelong pension should be cut. No one works for 4 or 6 or 8 years and gets a huge pension, so why should politicians? It isn’t as if they are doing anything to help the workers or Seniors of the US. If they have to live like the rest of us they might actually have an idea how the working class lives.

  • John Flaherty says:

    We do not need a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on Representatives and Senators. If We, the People, the do not exercise our right to vote properly, no law requiring a change of persons who represent Us will ever change anything.
    We already possess a legal term limiter enshrined in the Constitution.
    We call it the ballot box.

  • Dorothy Mosher says:

    It’s the right thing to do and it is about time.

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