
5 Priorities For America To Address



Priorities For America To Address | Every nation, including the United States of America, faces various obstacles, some more significant and pressing, while others far – less meaningful!

How we choose to proceed forward and our degree of focus, commitment, and discipline, including which priorities for America we set, will, undoubtedly, determine our destiny and how we leave this nation for future generations!

Historically, the U.S. seemed to represent, both to its citizens and the rest of the world, the core principles of fairness, rights, freedoms, and Constitutional guarantees.

In our ever-evolving world, we face many crucial decisions, and how we proceed will probably, determine whether we maintain this position!

With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, review, and discuss five priorities for America to address now!

RELATED: 5 Most Urgent American Priorities!

5 Priorities For America To Address Now!

happy family with the flag of america USA at sunset outdoors | 5 Priorities For America To Address Now!

1. Education: How much will we cherish education and educational opportunities? Will we make it a priority by putting – our – money where our mouth – is?

While most other countries encourage higher education by ensuring affordability does not become an obstacle, the cost of college in our country has risen significantly!

Since I am a product of the City University of New York (CUNY), having graduated from Queens College in 1972 (QCNY), I remember when a quality education costs students next – to – nothing!

If we hope to regain our standing, in the world, in terms of achievements, etc., we must ensure that all our people can afford quality education, regardless of family finances. We must create a path – forward to making this affordable once – again and make it priorities for America!

2. Environment: President Trump sought to reduce much common sense, necessary environmental protections his predecessors emphasized and prioritized!

How can we hope to protect the public health of the current and future generations unless/ until we emphasize safeguarding clean air and water and other environmental needs?

3. Climate Change; Carbon Imprint; Coal: No matter how inconvenient, denying Climate Change does not make it any less a reality! We must proceed forward and commit to significantly reducing our so-called Carbon Imprint to do so!

We must reduce and eliminate our dependence on dirtier forms of energy, such as coal, to achieve this, but, simultaneously, we must re-train the workers, in that industry, in better jobs, etc.!

4. Address systemic racism: The reality is that systemic racism exists and should not! In many areas of our society, etc., we must do whatever we can to reduce it in a well-considered, studied – manner!

5. Sane gun safety controls: How many more must die before we do something in this country to address the issues related to gun safety in this nation? We experience the most significant number of gun-related deaths and injuries in this nation than the rest of the world!

We can't simply claim that the 2nd Amendment provides unlimited gun rights! Instead, since we register cars, and license drivers, shouldn't we, at least, register guns and license gun owners/ users?

Shouldn't there be a combination of background checks, mental/ emotional evaluation, physical fitness requirements, and proficiency checks?

If new drivers need to pass a driver – test, shouldn't they be required to own and use a gun?

In addition, why should items, such as assault weapons, and semi-automatic guns, which easily accommodate, multiple rounds of ammunition, be, broadly, available?

But, again, this should be done while respecting the rights and freedoms of those who will use guns safely and appropriately!

Either we begin to address these priorities sooner rather – than – later, or we will lose our national identity, etc.! Will you demand better from our elected officials and prioritize these essentials and necessities?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted with thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns.

Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense: http://facebook.com/commonsense4all

5 Priorities For America To Address

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Richard_Brody/492539

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