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Pro-Refugee Leader Now Wants Burqa Banned For Safety



German Chancellor Angela Merkel attends the opening ceremony of the G20 Summit in Hangzhou, China, September 4, 2016. REUTERS/Nicolas Asfonri/Pool

  • “The full-face veil is not acceptable in our country,” she told delegates in Essen when addressing her conservative Christian Democratic Union, according to the Independent.
  • Support for a burqa ban represents a right-ward tilt for Merkel, who is facing pressure from Germany's far-right Alternative for Germany party ahead of next year's elections.

German chancellor Angela Merkel voiced support for a burqa ban to be implemented wherever feasible in Germany.

“The full-face veil is not acceptable in our country,” she told delegates in Essen when addressing her conservative Christian Democratic Union, according to the Independent.
“The full-face veil must be banned wherever it is legally possible.”

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Merkel also said the refugee crisis “must never be repeated.” Merkel was making a pitch for her fourth term as German chancellor.

Support for a burqa ban represents a right-ward tilt for Merkel, who is facing pressure from Germany's far-right Alternative for Germany party ahead of next year's elections.

German interior minister Thomas de Maizière first raised the idea of a partial burqa ban in August. De Maizière, an ally of Merkel, called the veils “contrary to integration.”

He said at the time the laws would be implemented in “places where it is necessary for our society's coexistence,” such as government offices and schools.

But he said at the time that he wasn't in support of a general ban.

“You can't forbid everything you reject,” he said.


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  • LJH says:

    If Muslims want to integrate they should make some adjustments to fit into western cultures or stay in their homelands.

    • Jon Exner says:

      LJH you are really assuming a lot when you say, “If muslims want to integrate they should make some adjustments….”.
      Just what makes you and many others believe that the majority want to integrate (assimilate) into western culture.
      As long as we as a sovereign nation send out the message that people come here for jobs and a better life foreigners will continue to come here believing they are just filling a void in the work place and it is no longer necessary for them to assimilate and become Americanized.
      We have witnessed the rise of the American civilization we are now watching the fall, the dismantling of the American society. The gradual end of the western civilization.

  • eldon says:

    a simple safety issue. they live in our country and must live by our standards not theirs

  • Edna Melcher says:

    The Burka should be banned for the obvious reason that one cannot see their face. We Americans must not cover our face when we are photographed for a driver’s license, etc.
    The purpose being for identification. The Burka should be banned unless they wear it for religious services or in their own home. Wearing it in public shows that they may have something more to hide then their face.

  • Kevin Corbin says:

    You don’t really know who is hiding behind the mask. This is just stupid. When you live in the sand it’s blowing and wearing something covering the mask makes sense. But men made it part of religion doesn’t make sense.

  • Alverna H says:

    For safety reasons. We don’t know what they are really hiding


    For many reasons, one needs to be able to identify a person.

  • Ray says:

    Basic to security. The head must be uncovered to afford identification of beings, humanoid or other. Wearing the burka also makes it difficult to determine the gender of the wearer.

  • Mel says:

    I can not think of the a woman being made to wear this over their face. Breathing, sweating. Not natural for any human being not just females. Identifying a person commenting a crime.

  • Jersey says:

    First of all it’s a security issue…you can’t see if there’s a bomb underneath it or if it’s even a man under it. Secondly, no one is taking their religious freedoms away. You just can’t use it as a veil to commit your atrocious acts of terror in public!! You can still worship in private like everyone else does!!!

  • Paul Aldredge says:

    I agree because as an American citizen, I must remove sunglasses, ball caps, etc., to execute a transaction in a bank… in America! If I have to be easily identified everywhere, so does everyone else.

  • Cliff says:

    I agree because when I flew to WV for My Daughters wedding, I was “stopped and subjected to a lets just sat a “vigorous “pat down” and scan because I have metal implants in my hips. ( showed a Doctors card which was taken and ripped up in front of me and told “anyone ” could make one on a computer…Meanwhile, A “THING” in a burka was allowed to go AROUND the scanners and plot its butt on our plane. No touching, no “questions” no ANYTHING. I suspect all because of “political correctness”. All passengers on this flight were very nervous and rightly so. SO YES ban the damn RAGS and make these people follow the SAME RULES we have to!!

  • Renee says:

    Making facial ID comparisons with drivers licenses, etc., requires that the burqa full head-cover be at least partially banned enabling appropriate facial and hair recognition. This also works to reduce the number of males hiding under the burqa intending to act illegally. Some measure of assimilation is required with the burqa in order to appear as a none-threatening compliant member of society, under such heightened levels of radical terrorist risk.

  • Richard says:

    The burka to many is a symbol of Sharia law that has no place in ours or any other society. People that want to leave their country for whatever reason and want to go another country must adapt to the new country and the customs of the people that have lived there and built these countries we dont have to adapt to them. Hopefully president Trump will stop the immigration totally from these countries they really have no place here they also stand for and I cant believe this hasnt come up but what about womens rights and equality this spits in the face of that movement and makes women less then human and like slaves to their husbands. With very little value for their lives its just no good in any way shape or form.

  • Tim white says:

    I agree we should stop them all until they at least have a background check there’s already to many terrorists in our country and they will be activated to raise up against us and many will be killed and they will be after our power grids and nuke plants I think it’s already to late

  • Name says:

    It is stupid!!!

  • Name says:

    AaWe must be able to ID faces, no matter what religion or ethnicity.
    Has nothing to do with racism/ bogitry only personal safety.
    If you insist on your attire, please return
    to your own country.
    Thank you.

  • j says:

    you can not see who is wearing it.

  • Keith Curme says:

    Anyone can hide their face or weapons underneath a burqa. Just because the person has a burqa on doesn’t mean it’s a woman….

  • Gregory Lega says:

    One common thread that is between The real German people and the Muslims in Germany and that is Merkel. Nobody likes her, her policies and her desire to be an unyielding tyrant that wants whatever the fvck she wants……

  • Lunatic says:

    The reasons a person should not be allowed to walk around with their faces covered are endless. Only thieves, robbers, killers, kidnappers cover their faces…

  • Donnie Johnson says:

    Those things are like wearing a mask. You must be ashamed of your women to make them wear clothing like that. But I’ve seen a few of them without their covering, Oh, never mind, keep them ugly bitches covered.

  • Joan Stephenson says:

    Women should not be forced to wear burqas.

  • Jeff Cahoon says:

    The USA needs to keep it the USA!!! We are a See Your Face kind of people!

  • Mary says:

    We do not know who is behind the burka.
    It could be a man, a fugitive, or a terrorist.
    It is not a requirement for a woman to be a Muslim, to wear one. The burka demeans women to be like property, and shows that sharia law is practiced in her household, which is against our Constitution.
    Places women wearers as non-persons in our society.
    This is an affront to our culture and our norms.
    Personally, how can one assimilate when shutting themselves off by wearing a burka?

    Saying hello or introducing ones self to a burka is like talking to a wall.
    One cannot see expressions or facial features that are necessary to communicate!
    Burka signals a secular “I do not want to get to know you,” or to become your friend and be a part of our USA society.
    Please stop this ancient, demeaning practice.
    You are in America now.
    Assimilate or do not come here!

  • David Stroud says:

    These burkas are totally repulsive & can create many problems including safety. I’ve heard of many people, upon seeing these, have dealt harshly with the person wearing them! Muslims have everything to gain, regardless of what their religion states about them. We must remember they also believe in the horrible Sharia law. Is this next in what they want to force upon our citizens!

  • Mal Smith says:

    Main reason? Security.

  • BILL FISCHER says:

    Muslims are nothing but a terrorist type people never integrating with society but always demanding that countries that they immigrate to change their lives and way of life to that of ISLAM AND SHARIA LAW the devils cult , Civilized people don’t cover their faces only Criminals and terrorists

  • James says:

    What face is under that burka?

  • JAMES says:


  • Helen Nowak says:

    Burkas should be banned. A hundred years ago my family came to America, they were sponirored and not a burden to our taxpayers. They learned English, became citizens, adopted American culture, sent my older brothers to fight for us in WWII.
    Used their skills to earn a decent living, they had nothing to hide.
    We don’t want people who want to change our great country.

  • Gerry says:

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA After allowing her country to be overrun by radical muslims and so-called “refugees” now she wants to ban the burka. The witch is up for reelection next year and trying to mapiulate Germans into thinking she should be. If the German people don’t throw her out on her butt they deserve what they get .

  • dave says:

    who is hiding behind the veil?

  • Bruce Nelson says:

    It presents problems for TSA agents, law enforcement and others to identify them that cover their faces. It also is a way for Islam to show solidarity of their Religion but is actually proof that women are prohibited rights that are granted to women under our constitution and civil rights. It is just one more way for Islam to declare Sharia law in America.

  • David Falzone says:

    Pretty easy to support this issue since facial recognition of potential terrorists, and criminals in general, is critical to prevention.

  • Alice says:

    You don,t know who is underneath the vail, could be a man who wants to blow up the place or try to kill you

  • Ann Messer says:

    It is a threat to the security of the nation in so many ways. We need to see a face in order to be able to identify a person or persons. There are so many in the country today that should not be here and they can be hiding behind a veil and we should be able to see who they are in order to protect ourselves from harm.

  • Wayne says:

    If the woman want to ware a Burqua they need to back to their own country!!!!!!!!

  • karen says:

    security compromised. if they want to wear them STAY in your own country.

  • William OBrien says:

    When in Rome, do as the Romans.

  • Name says:

    I don’t know I guess I just feel that it’s too easy for someone to hide in there. If things ever do come to a war on American soil shouldn’t we feel a little safer.

    • Sam says:

      If things ever do come to a war on American soil we should know in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that there is NO SAFETY until we have won. The fantasy that banning something we find scary looking makes us a little safer is anathema to living an intelligent, adult life.

  • Sam says:

    You people are sheep, undeserving of the liberties your forefathers left for you. You would give away your freedom and Bill of Rights in the false name of imagined security without even breaking a sweat thinking about the actual consequences to you. Just by getting dressed in the morning, they cause you pansies to cower in fear and cast away your freedom of expression, freedom of religion; yeah, they won.

    Are you so willing to have all public covering of the face banned? Have you never been to Buffalo in the winter? Have you never seen a cyclist or skier in a face mask to break the frigid wind? Have you never been to a costume ball? If not, its time to get out of mommy’s basement and live a little. Sure, there are places like banks, or courts, or many others where the nature of the business being conducted relies on certain ID of the transactors and face covering is not appropriate, but a general public ban is contrary to what Western Civilization stands for. You want to bring down Western Civilization, go ahead and ban liberties in the name of the security of the police-state, fine, but don’t pretend you are saving it.

    These goofball leaders went and refused moderate, sensible control measures when they were importing refugees, now they are going all reactionary and being just as immoderate in the other direction. The populous suffers, the refugees suffer, the government suffers. Think this shit through in the first place and we won’t have such a morass to untangle.

  • Laurence Seigler says:

    Because in perspective the ability to hide in plain sight is one of the attributes most coveted by people intent on doing harm to others. Just as it it against the law to enter a bank with a mask,this should be also.

  • Lisa Larson says:

    I agree totally with what she says. If we go to those countries we are required to conform to heir ways, same shld apply when they come to our country. Also it is a safety thing. So definately!

  • Kelvin Graves says:

    I want to see who I am dealing

  • Mark says:

    Yes and No. Yes. Let them, if they wear a burka you can pick them off easier or deport them. No, you will not be able to profile them as easy. You shoot them then burka comes off for good. It also makes an easier target.

  • Jim Smith says:

    Everyone should be able to recognize a persons face. In these times full face coverage can not be allowed. In some places it can be allowed, but not in the general public. If the individual insists on wearing the face mask, then the business, building, or any facility should have the legal right to disallow them where it is deemed legal.

  • pam ross says:

    BECAUSE THEY LIVE HERE!!! They MUST aclimate to our way of doing things or GO HOME!!!

  • wade says:

    hi I agree sharia law the Burka the Muslims should all leave this sovereign country, this is the United States of America our home our land our way of life, if you don’t want to live our way get the hell out of our country, we don’t feel safe with you people here,

    your laws and religious believes do not belong in these United States of America you’re bunch of animals that do not belong here if we cannot see your face you need to leave this country we do not feel safe if we cannot see who we are talking to if you can’t do that if you cannot abide by our laws or rules leave this sovereign country

  • David says:

    It is true that to be “integrated” into German Society, which should be the goal for those accepted into Germany as refugees, that those persons should follow the existing customs of Germany, especially in schools and government offices, and not create a subcultural norm.

  • Bruce Nielsen says:

    I can’t go into a Bank, School, Government Building ETC., wearing a mask, why should they ?

  • Dan Croft says:

    The burka should be banned. Would you want to face the San Bernardino, CA terrorist? How many guns can be concealed under those blankets.

  • Wn says:

    Yada, yada, yada. A tidbit fully intended for momentary placation? Carrot on a stick. One Just MUST believe the Deutsch citizenry is on to it. Will they do anything about it – or will it end up being Allen Heil all over again?

  • charles says:

    we don’t know what is under a full berka. they may have a machine gun or a machetti. waiting to attack.

  • Kat says:

    I saw a woman driving with a burka on. She could only see me as I passed her. She even had a veil over the eyes! I’m sorry that her religion has her wearing it out in public but to drive too???!!! Unsafe!

  • Anthony Bennett says:

    “When in Rome do as the Romans”.
    If one wants to live in the Western World, then Accept the Customs of that Country. OR LEAVE!

  • EdHornsby says:

    It is not necessary! Show your face– you are beautiful.

  • Denise says:

    If someone is being persecuted in their Country and looking to come to the US to escape persecution they must assimilate. We do not persecute women and the Burka is a big form of persecution, assimilate or leave. Also you do not know who is under the Burka, Belgium does not allow the Burka. Isn’t it funny that before 1970 there was no Burka or Hijab and all of a sudden voila men decided that women needed to be more modest.

  • Red-Ranger says:

    Germany should frame every possible rule to protect their land. Otherwise not only Germany but whole Europe be blended with Islamic-fobia. Likewise USA is facing latino blended America. It is a time to wake-up.

  • phyllis y fisher says:

    When you migrate to another country, you should abide by their laws and customs. If you have a problem with that then stay where you are..with what you’re accustom to. It’s not right or fair for you to force your customs on your new adopted country.

  • steve says:

    What are they Hiding and WHY???

  • Susannah Master says:

    For safety reasons, you can’t walk around with a mask on, this gives certain people privileges the rest of us don’t have and it’s not even their country. Want to wear it? What to change this country to yours? FORGET IT! GO HOME if these are things you want!!!

  • Chris says:

    I can’t walk around with a mask on. Why the hell should some “woman”? be able to do so?

  • Bill Thompson says:

    “Hijrah” -Conquer by immigration,procreation and outnumber the host nation population eventually and vote their own into power. ..conquer without firing a shot…
    No need for “Jihad” – conquer by violence.
    Political correctness will be the downfall of the western world…..and the naive politicians are assisting them all the way.

  • Name says:

    Security issues

  • Donald G. Buchanan says:

    Full face coverage leads to academic cheating scenarios in college classes where students are caught cheating to pass courses. Large classes with 100+ students have lead to widespread cheating by students when not controlled by monitoring with student assistants or carding each student with photo IDs. Full face coverage allows students to slip through the academic verification process of correctly assessing the registered student, as opposed to a substitute for exams. Real problem, not making this up.

  • kevin krizka says:

    it can easily be used as a disquise

  • volden says:

    if we come here we leave all of what we had from country left for new start including burkas

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