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Rise Of The Idiots: It’s Time To Burst The Social Justice Bubble Before It’s Too Late
Let me share a conversation I had this morning with my liberal friend.
Leftie – “Did you hear about the American citizen who has been sentenced to 15 years hard labor in North Korea?”
Me – “That’s terrible. What did he do?”
Leftie – “He ONLY stole a banner from a restricted part of his hotel!”
Me – “Huh…”
Leftie – “What? You think that warrants 15 years in jail?”
Me – “Did he break the laws in a while being a guest in a foreign country run by a dictator that is known globally for hating the West?”
Leftie – “That’s not the point! He has human rights!”
That right there. That is the problem with liberals. They live in a little bubble where everything smells like roses and think that the global utopia—where everyone gets daily hugs and all is amazing—is a reality that is only blocked by us mean old conservatives who are trying to stop their fun and…human rights. Well, news flash…the world doesn’t work like that. There are no safe spaces. People don’t care if you’re offended. You can’t sue people if they hurt your feelings and, guess what, there is no leniency for people who break the law. It is a BIG BAD WORLD OUT THERE!
The latest person who found this out the hard way was an American citizen called Otto Warmbier. Warmbier is a University of Virginia undergraduate—and regular social justice warrior—who was today charged with subversion under Article 60 of North Korea's criminal code. Read that again….SUBVERSION. This means that he had committed a crime “pursuant to the U.S. government's hostile policy toward (the North), in a bid to impair the unity of its people after entering it as a tourist.” Sounds crazy, right? And you’d be right. We all know that this 21-year-old American is nothing but, to put it nicely, an idiot kid.
Yeah, I said it. He’s an idiot. A stupid, stupid boy who lives inside his safe space environment that was created in a liberal society here on U.S. soil. The sense of entitlement shown by him is a sad and pathetic reflection of a generation who we have mollycoddled and sugarcoated with a sprinkle of “you are an amazing, beautiful person and everything else is amazing and you deserve to have everything handed to you because others have more and…” And they buy into it. They take it as gospel. They live their entire existence by it. And then they think they can change the world. They travel abroad and expect the same treatment everywhere else and, before they can say “there are more than two genders,” they find themselves doing 15 years hard labor in a North Korean prison for Subversion.
“But, but, but…he has human rights!” Yes, he does. But guess what liberals? When you break the law–ESPECIALLY in a country like NORTH KOREA–you can kiss those rights goodbye. Innocent until proven guilty? You’d think. Due process? Sure, if you say so but the sooner you understand that other countries don’t follow those rights, the sooner you will realise JUST how lucky you are to live in a democracy.
And let’s be real here. This fool was in North Korea. A country that regularly accuses Washington and Seoul of sending spies across their borders to overthrow its government. They FIRMLY believe that U.S. are backing the South Korean government to take control of the Korean Peninsula. And he STEALS a propaganda banner?
Before the trial, he claimed that he had tried to steal a propaganda banner as a trophy for an acquaintance who wanted it to hang in her church. My first question is, what kind of church hangs STOLEN property in it. My next question is, again, ARE YOU CRAZY?
And the answer is no. He’s just a typical, spoiled, entitled brat who is a product of the environment we’ve created here in the NEW USA. A USA where, sooner or later, all this left sided liberal idiocy will come back and bite us hard in the ass. And people like Otto Warmbier will be the ones who are in charge and left to handle the problems.
God help us all…
We have had enough of idiots in Washington. They no longer pretend to represent the people and I have no idea what country they are trying to support, but it is not the U.S.A. that I served.
Most kids today feel entitled. They need to grow up and get a life
SJ is a construct to satisfy a need to be superior by those who unconsciously recognize their own failure and/or inability to actually be better than others or to succeed in their social environment.
So….can we send over more sjw’s anytime soon? They can make a college field trip out of it. A 15 year field trip.
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