
The Left Is Lying To You About Modern Rape Culture



Are American college campuses rape cultures? According to gender-rights groups, politicians, and academics… Yes.

Would you send your daughter to a place for four years where there was a 20% chance she would be raped or sexually assaulted? That is the claim that these “experts” have made. The problem is that it just simply isn't true.

Modern-day feminism is nothing but an extension of PC culture which sets to demonize anyone who doesn't get in line with their way of thinking, championed by their current spokesman Joe Biden. They are trying to force the false narrative that 1 in 5 women on college campuses are raped or sexually assaulted.

Rape is not an issue that should be taken lightly, but as this video proves, we are being lied too. There is no evidence to support the claim of “a national campus rape culture or that of a cultural norm.” These statements are outright lies.

The data shows that rates of sexual assaults have been continuously on the decline with current rates at an all time low. However, much like Black Lives Matter, these gender-rights groups have used the false narrative of rape to wrestle control of their college campuses from the administration and place their own regime of PC culture. 

Under the rule of anti-rape culture all offenders are found guilty because accused.

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