My Theory On The Donald Trump Presidency
A lot of strange things have been happening during this year's Presidential election. I think the first shock of all was when Donald Trump actually decided to run for President. Everyone was a little surprised. For starters, he isn't a politician, he is a businessman, a real-estate tycoon. How can the American people trust him to guide an entire country into the future?
Then the second shock came, people started getting behind what he was saying. He broke down the wall of the politically correct and started saying what everyone was already thinking. Then slowly, one by one, all of his Republican opponents started dropping out. Almost as if each one was involved in some giant synchronized dance, just waiting for their moment to come to bow out.
Now, a black sheep has risen from the crowd in the form of a new Independent candidate. Is that not odd? Only three months left in the Presidential election and suddenly a new candidate springs up? The weirdest part about Evan McMullin is that he is actually getting press. You haven't seen Jill Stein or Gary Johnson on the news have you? Some of you may not even know that there are two other people running for President besides Hillary and Trump. Yet this “newbie” comes in and is everywhere?
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Still stranger, there are now rumors floating around that Trump might be dropping out of the race. Why? I have never met Donald Trump, but so far he does not seem like the type of man to give up. He has been stubborn and hasn't listened to the Republican party when they try and get him in line, and yet he “might” be dropping out? That doesn't add up to me.
So, here is a little conspiracy theory for you. What if Trump's intention was never to become President? What if he was sent into the Presidential election as a distraction for Hillary? What if he was sent to beat her out, but not take the Presidency? He is there to bad mouth and reveal the evil nature of Hillary and then pass the torch on to someone else.
I'm not saying that is the plan, but it makes sense doesn't it? A “normal” politician can't talk to Hillary the way that Donald Trump has talked to her. Donald Trump, in revealing Hillary's true intentions, has painted a bulls-eye on himself, therefore his likability has now dropped. Yet, if you get two people bickering at one another and another candidate walks in and steals the show…checkmate.
I truly believe that Trump was sent to ruin Hillary's chances. Then a true politician will rise to the occasion acting as a white knight for the election and take the Presidency. I'm not saying that the new guy Evan McMullin is that white knight. I'm just saying the timing is very interesting.
I guess we will have to wait and see.
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