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Rep. Liz Cheney Says Trump ‘Clearly Unfit For Future Office’

Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming had a lot of choice words for former President Donald Trump. In particular, she feels that the former Chief Executive is “clearly unfit for future office.”
RELATED: You’re Fired: Traitor Liz Cheney is Removed From GOP Leadership
Liz Cheney Has It In For Fellow Republican Donald Trump
Liz Cheney is the top Republican in the House select committee investigating the January 6 riot. This panel is currently investigating the role played by Trump and his officials in the January 6 riots.
The event led to the deaths of some Americans and caused damage to public property. Cheney specifically targeted Trump for his alleged involvement in the riot.
As a result, she thinks that Trump is “clearly unfit for future office” and should “never be anywhere near the Oval Office ever again.”
Speaking to “This Week” anchor George Stephanopoulos, Cheney accused the former President of fanning the flames. “He crossed lines no American president has ever crossed before,” she said.
Cheney added that nobody should trust Trump anymore. Specifically, she called him out for refusing to tell the January 6 mob to stop. She also said that Trump refused to defend any of the coordinated branches of government that day.
Liz Cheney Goes Against Trump as GOP Frontrunner
Rep. Liz Cheney said that the Republican party is duty-bound to reject the events of January 6. The party should also “make sure that Donald Trump is not our nominee,” she emphasized.
If it was up to her, Trump should never be “anywhere close to the reins of power ever again.”
Meanwhile, Trump himself has yet to confirm his decision of running for the White House in 2024. The former president dropped hints that he might toss his hat in the ring yet again.
However, he never commits to seeking the nomination, often saying it’s too early for him to declare his candidacy.
Then again, Cheney said she agrees with Trump’s Democrat rival, Hillary Clinton. The former Secretary of State said that a Trump victory in 2024 might signal “the end of our democracy.”
Asked by Stephanopoulos if she shared Clinton’s fear, Liz Cheney said “I do.”
House Select Committee In Full Swing
With January 6 right around the corner, the House select committee remains focused on completing its probe. During the last half-year, the panel interviewed more than 300 people.
The panel also issued more than 50 subpoenas and gathered thousands of records. Cheney said the panel is slowly gathering important information about Trump’s activities during that day.
“The committee has firsthand testimony now that [Trump] was sitting in the dining room next to the Oval Office watching the attack on television,” she said.
In addition, Cheney said that the panel also has firsthand information that Trump’s daughter Ivanka asked him to stop the mob twice.
“He could have told them to stand down. He could have told them to go home – and he failed to do so,” Cheney said. “It's hard to imagine a more significant and more serious dereliction of duty than that.”
Was Trump’s Actions a Crime?
Stephanopoulos asked Cheney if Trump’s inability to tell the crowd to stop was considered criminal negligence.
The Wyoming representative didn’t answer directly, only saying that several “potential criminal statutes” were at issue.
“But I think that there's absolutely no question that it was a dereliction of duty,” she said. Cheney then said that the committee should look at enhanced penalties for that.
Liz Cheney is one of two Republicans in the House select committee. Known for her abhorrence for Trump, she dared her party to make a stand.
“The Republican Party has to make a choice. We can either be loyal to our Constitution or loyal to Donald Trump, but we cannot be both.”
Watch the CNN video reporting that Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney reveals what former President Donald Trump was doing during January 6 insurrection:

What do you think of Rep. Liz Cheney's statements saying Trump is unfit for future office? Do you agree with her statement?
Let us know what you think by sharing your comments below.

Liz Cheney is a total loser and her career is over and she is irrelevant. Another never Trumper and Rino like many others in the Republician Party. She needs to have her ugly ass voted out and sent home to her irrelevant Daddy
The Democrats in a whole included the President are traitors to out country . They always say ay they do for the people, try asking outside your party and see how the polls are. You investigate and don’t allow full transparency – leave out evedanc that doesn’t fit your story line. You people better enjoy your time because his wrath will be coming down on all. No tiny white lyes will save you , it will only increase the heat for you all for forever. So, all the unjust you done will be paid in full / you stupid people, the faith you all lost will be forever the weight you will endure. Enjoy all your gains of wealth , this life is short, but the torment by our Lord is a forever torment. Living life on the backs of others and to ask at the end for forgiveness will not keep you from judgment day – his wrath for you is swift and a forever of torment to come. PRAISE THE LORD
This is what happens when you think you are entitled. Democrats are a disgraceful bunch of hypocritical bigots. They don’t have any idea of the real working environment or the real people who make this country grow and love . Liz is a just like her dad a loser…There should be term limits so this doesn’t happen again. They all need to just retire and start repenting while they can. Pelosi is a walking corpse, I think she will just turn to Ash everytime I see her just a shell no heart no brain. The truth of the matter, all the statues they tore down.. All democrats, slavery.. democrats… kkk…democrats. look it up!!!
FUCK LIZ CHENEY,……..and her heartless corrupt daddy!
Does anyone even listen to a Democrat, or Rino?
if she say’s trump is unfit I think she is at the top of the list along with a lot of other women hillary , michelle , pelosi , harris , romney he’s like a woman