Election 2016
Trump The Triumphant Is Coming

Trump The Triumphant Is Coming (Image: FreeRepublic)
- Trump has now set his sights on Hillary Clinton, he is taking aim at what he calls the “real enemy.”
- Trump said, “The real enemy is Hillary Clinton and four more years of essentially Obama…our country is not…able to survive four more years of incompetence and bad decision-making.”
- When it comes to Trump’s running mate he said, “I don’t need a business person, I need a political person. Somebody that can deal with the hill, that can deal with Congress and get things done, get things passed.”
Presumptive Republican nominee for President billionaire Donald Trump told Breitbart News exclusively on Tuesday evening that “the real enemy” lies ahead in likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.
Trump’s interview with Breitbart News came before the polls closed in Indiana, just as he was wrapping up winning the GOP nomination for the presidency. It was still unclear whether Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) would officially drop out at that point, but it was becoming evident that Trump was going to lock up the nomination.
Trump called this Breitbart News exclusive interview to unify the Republican Party and to set his sights squarely on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee—saying that she is the “real enemy.”
“The real enemy is Hillary Clinton and four more years of essentially Obama,” Trump said. “The country cannot take it. Our country is not going to be able to survive four more years of incompetence and bad decision-making. As Bernie Sanders says loud and clear, Hillary Clinton suffers from bad judgment.”
Trump said Clinton’s positions in favor of bad trade deals like NAFTA and the Trans-Pacific Partnership are going to weaken her in the general election, as will her opposition to securing the U.S. border with Mexico and to a strong American military. Trump went on to say:
I’m going to bring jobs back to America and Hillary has no clue as to jobs. In fact, NAFTA, which was signed by her husband, is the worst economic development deal ever signed in the history of our country—trade deal, I guess you’d call it. The worst trade deal ever signed in the history of our country. It’s cleaned out vast portions of our manufacturing businesses and more. So she can’t beat me on jobs and the economy. She can’t beat me on the border, she can’t come close on the border. She can’t beat me on the military.
Trump also told Breitbart News of his thinking when it comes to selecting a running mate, saying that his vice presidential pick will come from the political–not business–world. He said:
I don’t want to name anybody—what I would most likely be looking at, and I feel like I’d be going a little bit in reverse, in other words, I’d be going for a political person. Because I don’t need a business person, I need a political person. Somebody that can deal with the hill, that can deal with Congress and get things done, get things passed, etcetera, etcetera.
Trump’s interview came as he was expected to win big in Indiana but before his last remaining serious rival Cruz dropped out, thereby handing the nomination to Trump, who said he wanted to “close out” winning the nomination before beginning the process of selecting a running mate.
“I want to close out before I do that—I’ve very much thought about it,” Trump said when asked about the vice presidential candidate selection process. “I want to close out the two people I have now, they’re hanging by their fingernails. And I want to close this out, and once I close this out, that will be a very pleasant process. We have many great people who would do wonderfully.”
Trump also said that the high Republican primary turnout—and the low Democratic turnout—is a sign he is going to win in the general election.
“It’s up more than 70 percent,” Trump said. “It’s all because of me. It’s an amazing thing, and everybody is talking about it worldwide. Millions of votes more and millions of votes ahead of Cruz, too, and Kasich. This week we’ll break the all-time record with many states left.”
Trump said he would be beating Clinton in popular votes, too, if he had had only one, non-serious competitor, as she has during the primaries.
“If I didn’t have 17 candidates, and then if I didn’t have 12, and then nine, then seven, and now—even now—we have two, and she’s only got Bernie—we would have had millions of more votes than Hillary Clinton,” Trump said. “Right now, we’re about tied. If I didn’t have all these candidates—she only had Bernie—even if we had three as opposed to just two, then I would have had millions of more votes than Hillary. Millions.”
Source: Breitbart

Simple . . . heis for us not against us.
He is the right person for job and if I was him, I would amend the differences between Cruz and himself. They both can run as President and Vice President to restore America back to grace she stood for. Not only that, I want businessman running this country, not a politician. For your information, I have business, market and law degree. I have been self employed for 34 years and I’m 72 years old.
He is not your run of the mill, he is a leader proven. I believe he is the only one who can staighten out the mess ob ummer has caused
Donald Trump has the knowledge of how to make things. Happen and with the. Right person with him it will and the republican party it will work
the very best person for the job that needs to be done,
I can’t reach into the future and see the shape our country will be in if “she” wins the office.
Donald Trump is a businessman, and the country should be ran like a business. If doesn’t know what he’s doing, he’ll get the best qualified person for the job to get things done. And he loves our country!!!
Because proof is in the pudding. Donald Trump is the peoples’ choice. Most important of all, he is not a liar and has The American Citizen’s interest at heart.
I think Trump will do Great!!
He stands for Old Fashioned American Belief.
As wealthy made he has had hard times in a
bigger magnitude, & turned his finances around. He has always worked & doesn’t have entitlement mentality. Make Am. Strong
US citizens want protection from invading imagrants who terrorize. We also need to take care of our own homeless people FIRST before others because charity begins at home. I think Trump will support both.
Tired of what is out there for President. Tired of the lying and arguing. We want someone who loves our country,military and will do what is best to bring our Country back to what it was before Obama! Dr.Carson isbacking him and
Tired of what is out there for President. Tired of the lying and arguing. We want someone who loves our country,military and will do what is best to bring our Country back to what it was before Obama! Dr.Carson isbacking him and
Its simple. Trump will beat any other republican that runs. will he beat Hilary to the line ? but would you want a psycopathic president like Hilary that works for the new world order and the demise of all or anything that is good or fair ?