We Are Fighting A New World War And Losing

With the recent attacks in Dallas, France, and the coup in Turkey, the world seems hellbent on erupting in chaos.
Donald Trump made the claim that the recent attack in Nice, France was the final signs that we were in the middle of a new world war. But how do you fight an enemy who, as he put it, has no uniform?
The human brain wants to attach a meaning and connect these attacks to each other as a way of explaining them and creating a concrete enemy that we can go after. But is there one? ISIS is clearly a prime target and one that needs to be wiped off the face of the planet, but they weren't involved in any of these attacks and that is actually scarier to me.
At least with ISIS you know that their days are numbered. Once we get a real president in the Oval Office we will send them to meet their god. We can start to protect the world from ISIS, but we can’t protect the world from itself.
Obama allowed ISIS to continue to exist and continue to draw blood from the innocents they slaughter all around the globe. And in their fight they have emboldened terrorists and fanatics around the world. They have shown the world that you can draw American blood and get away with it.
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I do believe that this is the beginnings of a new world war, but one of global flash violence where the civilians are the targets and not the trained combatants. We are fighting a war where you put your life at risk by trying to enjoy the fundamental freedoms that make life worth living.
This cannot be allowed to continue. A line in the sand must be drawn.
To stop it we must wage a war on these ideologies of terror and violence. It is our duty to prevent the world from slipping into chaos. We are the custodians of civilization and we cannot ever allow it to be sent back into darkness.
Our first duty is to elect a president who will defend this nation and this world from the monsters that want to kill us for the sake of being different than them. Going on 8 years we have had a president that has made it his duty to dismantle our armed forces, strip our personal liberties and ability to protect ourselves, and alienated all of our allies. Obama has made the world that we now live in and it is an increasingly dark and dangerous place.
There is light on the horizon. We will have a new president in the coming year and as more of us wake up we will unite and force this hatred out of our world. Enough is enough.