What You Missed This Weekend: Trump Edition
That's right, it's another Monday. The always too short weekend has come and gone and now another week starts its countdown.
There are quite a few things that you missed over the weekend. So make sure your boss isn't looking and check out these interesting stories.
A report came out that there are at least 100 high profile Republicans that are unwilling to back Donald Trump's candidacy. Trump's entire campaign has been one of “defying the odds.” It seems that no matter how great his resistance is in the political party, he continues to push forward. You have to give a guy credit for that. He doesn't let anything hold him down.
New emails were released from Hillary Clinton that showed that she asked advice from one of the biggest donors to the Clinton foundation. That's right and not any kind of advice, she asked for Foreign Policy advice. So you're telling me that she didn't even know how to do her job? She had to ask someone else for advice? Someone who isn't even in politics? That is the woman that is running for the Presidency of the United States.
Former President Ronald Reagan's daughter came forward and said that she refuses to vote for Donald Trump. She wrote a giant statement about Donald Trumps “Second Amendment People,” comments. The implication was that Donald Trump was encouraging people to assassinate Hillary Clinton. As we all know, Ronald Reagan had an attempt on his life and was actually shot. I can image that would be a sensitive subject for Reagan's daughter.
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See story here.
- Ronald Reagan's Daughter Has Some Words For Trump (Image: MGN)
A retired teacher apparently gave a KKK robe and Confederate flag to a black former colleague of his. The good thing about this story is that he apologized. I just don't understand it. I don't know what made him think that this was a good idea. What did he think was gonna be the outcome of that situation? It doesn't make sense to me.
Historic flooding levels have occurred in Lousiana after a week of rain. Six people have been pronounced dead so far, and over 20,000 people have been rescued from the water. 12,000 people now are living in shelters because their homes are inhabitable. The worst of the rain is over, but the water is expected to continue to swell for the next two days.
- Louisiana Is Falling Into The Sea (Image: MGN)
Well, that's all we've got for you on the Weekend Review. We hope that you have a spectacular week and enjoy your weekend. We will be here for our weekly Monday rendezvous.
SEE RELATED: What You Missed This Weekend: ISIS Attacks Edition