In The End, Everyone Works For Hillary
- Hillary Clinton came forward and announced that her running mate will be Virginia “junior” Senator Tim Kaine.
- It is speculated that she chose him for his bi-lingual capability to sway the Latin voting community.
- Kaine has worked for the Democratic Party for a while now, first a Senator, then Governor, and former chairman of the Democratic National Committee.
Who in the world is Tim Kaine? I know we are all asking ourselves that question after Hillary announced Senator Tim Kaine as her running mate.
Well, before being in the running for the next Vice President of the United States, Tim Kaine was the “junior” Senator from Virginia. I know “junior” sounds confusing. What is a “junior senator? Trust me, it's nothing glamorous. It basically means that he does not have the seniority of the two senators from Virginia. AKA he is the batter up not the heavy hitter.
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So why would Hillary Rodham Clinton pick a “junior” Senator from Virginia to be her running mate? The answer is simple. He speaks fluent Spanish. That may sound like to shallow of a reason, but trust me it's not. Hillary knows that she will need all the help she can get to compete against the Trump Train.
The first stop on her joint campaign is Florida International University, where over half the student body is Hispanic. Coincidence? You decide.
Of course, Hillary wouldn't make this decision by herself. After talking with Tim Kaine, Hillary called up her old friend Barack Obama to ask for his advice. Obama sent out a fundraising email telling supporters that, “Tim is a good man. He's a true progressive. And he will make a great vice president.”
Trump, of course, has already labeled him “Korrupt Kaine.”
Apparently, Kaine is well known within the Democratic Party. He has worked his way up the political ladder, with great support. Not only is he the “junior” Senator from Virginia, he has also been the Governor, as well as the former chairman of the Democratic National Committee.
Let's see if Kaine can sway the support of the Latin community behind Hillary. If he can, Trump might have an old fashioned “Mexican Standoff” during the presidential elections.