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Border Crisis

Trump Says Caravan of Migrants ‘MUST’ Be Stopped as Border Crisis Continues



On Wednesday, Former President Donald Trump stated that a caravan of migrants from Central America and the Caribbean “must be stopped” before it can reach the U.S.-Mexico border.

According to a Reuters report, hundreds of migrants, most of whom are families with young kids, were trekking across the country of Mexico. As per a witness, an estimated 2,000 migrants were spotted resting and getting medical help in Chiapas on Tuesday. This was before the said group continued their journey north.

In a statement released via his Save America Pac and via Twitter through his spokesperson Liz Harrington, Trump said that he hopes everyone has their eyes on the “MASSIVE Caravan” moving through Mexico towards the U.S.

Trump went on to say that this “must be stopped” before it can reach the U.S. southern border. The former president also noted that nine months ago, the country had the strongest border in U.S. History. “This should have never happened!” he exclaimed.

On Sunday, Trump also released a statement connected to this caravan.

He said that “the largest caravan in history” is moving towards the U.S. but the country is “totally unprepared and doing nothing about it.” Trump then strongly suggested the completion of the wall and “get tough.” He added that the “country is being systematically destroyed” right before the eyes of every American.

In a separate statement that the former president also released on Sunday, he said that the U.S. had been poisoned with the millions of illegal migrants coming through the southern borders who, in most cases, are not even stopped for any inquiry.

Trump Suggests Finishing the Border Wall

Trump also pointed out that a lot of these people are criminals coming from “the emptied prisons of other countries,” so most of them are possibly very dangerous people. He added that should and can be done in a short span of time would be to “FINISH THE WALL.” He added that they must make a deal with Mexico so that Mexico can become a 2,000-mile barrier against illegal immigrants instead of a “launching pad.”

The majority of migrants who joined the latest caravan come from Honduras and El Salvador, according to the Associated Press.

Although, unlike other marches, the Sunday one from Tapachula did not have as many migrants from Haiti, many of whom have reaped the U.S. southern border in September.

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  • Anonymous says:

    Nothing will be done as long as the Democrats are in charge

  • JR says:

    This country is being flushed down the toilet.

  • Johnny says:

    we need action talk is cheap and if we don’t them at the border I know alot of them will end up in elkhart , south bend , and goshen in indiana ,we don’t need people that don’t speak English they are impossible to to work with and lippert and their many plants don’t care ,they are just looking for body’s , we need help stopping this from happening.

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