More Americans Are Choosing to Die at Home Rather than in Hospitals

According to Associated Press, more Americans are dying at home instead of in hospitals – “a trend that reflects more hospice care and progress toward the kind of end that most people say they want.” This is the first time since the early 1900s. A report from New England Journal of Medicine also stated that deaths in nursing homes have declined.
More Americans Are Choosing to Die at Home
— Voice of America (@VOANews) December 12, 2019
“It’s a good thing. Death has become overly medicalized over the last century,” said Dr. Haider Warraich of the Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System.
Sarah Cross, a graduate student from Warraich and Duke University, used government health statistics on death from natural causes from 2003-2017. “The portion that occurred in hospitals fell from 40% to 30% over that period and in nursing homes from 24% to 21%. Deaths in homes rose, from 24% to 31%. Some assisted living centers may have been counted as homes; researchers had no way to tell,” said Associated Press.

Because your not safe in hospitals or nursing homes these new doctors or nurses don’t care like it use to be it was a calling they liked helping sick people, very caring and good people
Nowadays healthcare is just about the money! God bless the people who have a calling for the help they can give to others.
With all the confusion about the ridiculous costs of healthcare and hospitalization, people are afraid of leaving family with massive bills after they pass on! Nowadays with very limited pay raises for the working class everyone struggles to make ends meet! Let alone worry about what kind of care you’re going to get in a nursing home. In some cases your own family doesn’t care about your wellbeing, just how to get the money you worked so hard for!