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Taylor-Greene Hit With Another Twitter Suspension

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) received yet another Twitter suspension for reportedly sharing misleading claims about the coronavirus. Twitter suspended her account for 12 hours last Monday.
RELATED: Twitter Says Suspension of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene was ‘In Error’
‘COVID-19 Not Dangerous’
A spokesperson said Twitter suspended Greene’s account for two tweets she posted. The said tweets contained baseless claims that COVID-19 is “not dangerous” for some people. Specifically, the virus is safe for people below 65 years of age or not obese.
In fact, previous studies did show that obese people have a higher risk of developing COVID-19 complications. These complications usually result in a need for hospitalization.
In her first tweet, the fiery Georgia representative claimed that defeating obesity can protect people against the ongoing pandemic. The tweet read: “This is why no entity should force NON-FDA approved vaccines or masks.
Instead help people protect their health by defeating obesity, which will protect them from covid complications & death, and many other health problems. We should invest in health, not human experimentation.”
Second Tweet
Later, she tweeted a reply to a post saying that a significant portion of the military will retire or resign if the US Armed Forces mandated COVID-19 vaccines for its personnel.
Her tweet wrote: “The controversial #COVID19 vaccines should not be forced on our military for a virus that is not dangerous for non-obese people and those under 65. With 6,000 vax-related deaths and many concerning side effects reported, the vax should be a choice not a mandate for everyone.”
Twitter flagged both tweets as misleading, which led to her Twitter suspension. The social platform then barred users from sharing, liking, or commenting on the posts in question. “Content that is demonstrably false or misleading and may lead to a significant risk of harm (such as increased exposure to the virus, or adverse effects on public health systems) may not be shared on Twitter,” the company's policy states.
Communist-Style Assault On Free Speech
Meanwhile, Greene lashed back at her 12-hour ban. “Twitter, Facebook, and the rest of the Silicon Valley Cartel are working hand in hand with the White House to censor Americans,” Greene commented. She referred to her Twitter suspension as “a communist-style assault on free speech. I will not back down and I will continue [to] tell the truth to the American people.”
However, the Twitter spokesperson reminded Greene and other users that the company reserves the right to ban people. Green's account violated the company's policy about COVID-19 information. It stated that “You may not use Twitter’s services to share false or misleading information about COVID-19 which may lead to harm.”
COVID-19 Cases Rise Amid Surge In Delta Variant
The United States enjoyed a brief few weeks where average daily COVID-19 cases dipped below 10,000. Now, the numbers are climbing back up as the highly infectious Delta strain is overrunning many areas. Meanwhile, vaccination rates are slowing down in some states.
Meanwhile, Greene, one of the more vocal Republicans that is against mask-wearing and vaccinations, is getting the heat for her controversial statements.
Last month, she apologized for comparing getting a vaccine to Jewish people getting a gold star on their arm. After visiting the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC, she told her reporters that she’s more informed now. “There is no comparison to the Holocaust and there are words that I have said, remarks that I’ve made that I know are offensive and I want to apologize,” she said.
Watch 11Alive’s report that Twitter suspends Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene's account:

Do you think Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene deserved her newest Twitter suspension? Will getting a permanent ban to help her cause long-term?
Let us know what you think about Rep. Green and her penchant for Twitter suspensions. Share your comments below.

what are the FACTS around the accusation ?
She’s absolutely repulsive, in every way. She needs to be suspended, indefinitely, from Congress! Trash!
This is a violation of Freedom of Speech. On one hand; however, Representatives represent their constituents and this might not be taking place. First, she needs to get her facts straight; second, her mouth shut. It is better to be silent than stupid.
This is the problem with social media. At the same time, they have as much right to say what they want to say and so do those posting on social media. The best way to go is to express your right to freedom of speech in a different manner.
Twitter is one of the worst sources of misinformation on the internet and you cannot believe anyone or anything you see or read. Rep. Greene is another case of people being elected to Congress without any experience, credentials or intelligence! Washington DC is a swamp full of idiots, crooks and lazy highly payed politicians and we would all be better off if it sank into the earth and we started over!
People like her is the problems this county is having. If people believe in her than let the die.
To think I served in the U.S. armed forces fighting to help people in opressed nations be free from communism, yet here we are in America experiencing the same silencing of people’s voices. For shame, America. People need to wake up and stop turning a blind eye to these abuses of freedom by the government and private entities before we all end up silenced. America is getting far too Orwellian these days.
Everyone raise your right hand and yell “Heil Biden”. This communist propaganda the white house is putting out would make Mao, Lenin, and Adolph proud. And the MSM can now be called Pravda.
People like Jeanne love communism and are cheering the fools that were cheated into office. Thank God for people like Greene to stand up to these tyrants violating our rights and trampling all over the constitution. Everyrhing is at least 30% more expensive, major inflation will be here for years, thanks to thr Cheater in Chief! Thanks for the laughs Jeanne!
What would you bet that she absolutely loves and worships AOC?
I stand up for her you should not have to be forced to take the vaccine she is fighting for this country a lot of people need to speak up and figure it out face book and tweet should be taken down these people have to much wealth and trying to control this country I say go Marjorie Taylor green
She’s one of the True American’s in the Congress.
At least she’s not a Bar fly
People like David are pathetic idiots who shouldn’t be allowed to speak let alone in public he makes all the rest of us humans look dumber Lons even stupider sad to see the people think at all we’d be better off if they didn’t
but David is right, if facebook don’t like what you put on facebook it’s removed, but David forgot about Google, almost every time I try and type something Google has changed what I said, I don’t know tweeter because I refuse to use it.
oh and facebook used to put things you like first, now it’s what makes facebook money first then you you like is on next page, the odd time what you like comes first on facebook, and when you go back to facebook and try to find something that you seen and what to show someone good luck, you can’t even go by time stamps because they’re all mixed up and that thing that just showed up a few min’s ago that you want to show someone could take you a few days to find it!