Better Late Than Never: Muslims Denounce ISIS
- The Ahmadiyya Islamic movement held a three-day convention in the UK, which over 30,000 Muslims from around the world attended.
- The last day of the convention the attendees were led in a vow of peace and a pledge of allegiance to their home countries.
- The organization itself was created in India in 1889 and has had these conventions in the UK for 50 years.
- The convention is a stance against ISIS and Islamic extremism, they believe the Islamic faith is one of peace not of violence.
The Muslim community is standing up against ISIS and Islamic extremists, in the best way possible. Much like the Jewish tradition to travel to Jerusalem (the Exodus) over 30,000 Muslims, from around the world, traveled to the UK to protest.
The Ahmadiyya Islamic movement was the organizing force behind the great exodus. The thousands of Muslims met at the Oakland Farm in Hampshire for a three-day convention. Just in case you didn't know, this is a yearly event. This year marked the 50th anniversary of the convention.
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The last day of the convention was the ceremony of peace. The Muslims attending the event were led by the global Caliph (the Muslim religious ruler) in a vow of peace and a pledge of allegiance to the varying countries they came from.
The Ahmadiyya movement was founded in India in 1889. The founding philosophy of the movement is peace over violence. The movement has over 129 centers across the UK, including the biggest mosque in Western Europe, the Baitul Futuh Mosque in south London.
The president of the Ahmadiyya movement population in the UK, Rafiq Hayat, said, “The 30,000-plus people from over 90 countries gathering at the convention come in the spirit of fraternity – and to give thanks for the security and freedom they have found in Britain. Many have fled persecution in other countries and together, they will reaffirm their pledge to follow the true teachings of Islam – that are teachings of peace – and to counter all forms of extremism and intolerance. We have much to be grateful for in Britain which has allowed our community to prosper and contribute to British life for more than 100 years. We count ourselves proud to call ourselves British Ahmadi Muslims.”
The motto of the organization is “Love for all and hate for none.” Let's hope that somehow that message will break through.
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