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Biden Administration Plans to Fly Illegal Immigrant Minors to Their Relatives’ US Residences



Illegal child immigrants in a holding facility-Biden Administration Plans to Fly Illegal Immigrant Minors to Their Relatives' US Residences-ss-Featured

After being pressured by progressives, the Biden administration reportedly plans on buying plane tickets to fly illegal immigrant minors to their relatives living in the United States.

This information comes as immigration authorities are already experiencing a crisis in the first month of the new administration. President Joe Biden and his team reportedly feel the pressure as his lenient views of immigration is causing unexpected surges at the U.S. border in the south.

Timothy Perry, the new Immigration and Customs Enforcement Chief of Staff, wrote an email to the leaders of the agency last Feb. 12, as per the Washington Times. In it, Perry said that they need to get ready for border surges immediately. He also stated that they need to start making changes as soon as possible. Perry said that they need to act now and think of costs later.

Reopening of Shelter for Illegal Immigrant Minors

Earlier this week, news surfaced that the Biden administration reopened a housing facility established during the Trump-era. The said facility shelters illegal immigrant minors who do not have guardians accompanying them.

According to the Washington Post, the number of illegal immigrant minors who are in federal custody has tripled since January. The count is currently at around 7,000.

Also, as per the report, Biden’s team feels worried about running out of space to shelter these minors that they have authorized the purchase of plane tickets and other costs to transport the children to their relatives in the U.S.

An email from the Office of Refugee Resettlement, which runs under the Department of Health and Human Services, reportedly laid out the policy. The news outlet obtained the email, and the HHS confirmed its contents on Wednesday.

Due to the surge, Biden’s administration responded by trying to ward off new immigrants in the past few days.

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  • JJ Johnson says:

    Biden should NOT require the American taxpayer to pay for this bullschiff 💩 or any of the liberals wish list

  • Bob says:

    Using your hard EARNED money to fuel their GREED. Greed is destroying the American Dream. It’s Not Color. it’s Money, Wake Up! They cloud the real issue The American People are being used. All of us who can’t vote ourselves a raise. These selfish, self centered “Leaders “ LOL whose #1 job is to keep their job need to be called out.

  • Chase says:

    China joe…can only be used as a prop for so long. The new left progressive party will start eating there own and distory one another, as the American economy starts to tank under this administration.

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