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Biden Warns of 200,000 More Deaths by January

On Wednesday, President-elect Joe Biden went on a video conference call with frontline workers from across the United States. There, he noted that public health experts said that we could see “as many as 200,000 dead…by the time we get sworn in.”
The death toll from COVID-19 “has reached a proportion that is way, way, way, way, out of wack,” according to Biden. He also said that it’s “skyrocketing with no real end in sight.”
Public health experts warned that the country’s death toll from the virus could double by the beginning of March. Fox News reported that Biden has “been spotlighting the potential of 200,000 additional deaths in coming months since late October with his warnings of a ‘dark winter.’”
Action Needed
Yahoo! News reported that the dire warning came as President Trump “continues to falsely claim that he has won the election and his administration refuses to share key data on COVID-19, including how new vaccines will be distributed to the country's more than 300 million people.”
The head of the General Services Administration, Emily Murphy, who was appointed by Trump, must recognize Biden's election victory to prompt a transition of power. However, Murphy has refused to do so.
On Wednesday, Biden raised pressure on her to act.
“The law says that the General Services Administration has a person who recognizes who the winner is. And then they have to have access to all the data and information that the government possesses to be prepared,” Biden said.
“And it doesn't require that there has to be an absolute winner – it says the ‘apparent winner.' And we've been unable to get access to the kind of things we need to know…. So I just want to tell you, that's the only slowdown right now that we have,” he added.
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