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Bizarre Massacre Avoided In New York City



In one of the more bizarre busts this week, 3 people were stopped going through the Holland tunnel into New York City with several rifles, pistols, and kevlar vests.

According to the sources, the three people (two men in their 50s and one woman in her 20s) were pulled over when going through the holland tunnel for having a cracked windshield. The officer that pulled them over noticed an ammo clip and searched the vehicle.

In addition to the weapons and armor found in the truck, police also reportedly found drugs. From there, the story gets even crazier as they claim they were headed to New York to free a woman being held captive.

These arrests come at an obviously sensitive time in this nation where we are still grieving for the lost in Orlando and wondering where ISIS will strike next. However, this doesn't seem to be related to any terrorism and is more just a bizarre case of drug use.

Either way, it's a good thing that these three were pulled over and apprehended before they could cause any havoc. The last thing we need is a group of people out of their minds on drugs shooting up downtown New York.

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