STUDY: Closing Coal-Fired Plants Saved Over 25,000 Lives

Transition from coal-burning plants to natural gas for electricity production in the U.S. shows it can change the environment for the better, according to a recent study.
The shutdown of coal-fired power plants between 2005 and 2016, saved an estimated 26,610 lives and 570 million bushels of corn, soybeans and wheat in immediate vicinities, according to the study by the University of California San Diego that was published Monday in Nature Sustainability science journal
The transition also reduced nearby pollution and its negative impacts on human health and crop yields.
#US: Closing #coal-fired plants saved over 25,000 lives
— AA Energy (@AAEnergyNews) January 10, 2020
In 10 years, carbon dioxide emissions declined, along with pollution levels, in hundreds of regions across the U.S.
The inverse calculation, estimating the damages caused by coal plants left in operation over the same period, suggests it contributed to 329,417 premature deaths and the loss of 10.2 billion bushels of crops, roughly equivalent to half of the year’s typical production in the country.
(c) 2020 Andolu Ajansi Provided by SyndiGate Media Inc. (

Clean coal is a required part of America’s energy future. Propaganda from the left and communists are designed to bring America down to third world levels.
I call bullshit on study
I completely agree. Estimating “lives saved” involves biased computer models using assumed information.
They can stick it.Like every thing else the commies come out with the most part is a lie.
If this study was from a university in Texas, Nebraska, Wisconsin, or almost anywhere other than California, it might be a little more believable. Does the study take into account all the ridiculous clean air standards that California has for diesel or combustion engines over the same time period?
A few weeks ago, there was an announcement that one of the largest coal plants in the Midwest will be closing within the next 5 years (Alliant Energy in Portage, WI). They just spent a few hundred million dollars over the last decade to keep up with EPA standards, so it’s cleaner emissions now than it ever has been. The closing of the plant will mean the loss of several hundred GOOD-PAYING jobs, not only in the plant itself, but in the coal mine(s) that supply the coal, railroads that transport the coal, etc.— you won’t hear that as a discussion point when a report like this is publicized though. ☹️
We need more energy.
We’ve got too many people.
FAKE NEWS BULLSHIT!!! Follow the money on this study to find the real truth.