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Trump Blast Critical Race Theory As ‘Flagrant Racism’



US Election,Donald Trump yet to offer concession speech | Trump Calls Out Critical Race Theory As ‘Flagrant Racism’ | featured

Former President Donald Trump called out Critical Race Theory as “flagrant racism” that the government is forcing into “every facet” of American society. He said this during a speech delivered to conservatives Saturday night in Phoenix, Arizona. 

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Critical Race Theory Is Flagrant Racism

Specifically, the former president spoke at the Arizona Federal Theatre for the “Protect Our Elections Rally” hosted by Turning Point Action USA, a political action committee. In addition, Trump called out Democrats led by President Joe Biden for their decision to resort to an “America last” ideology. 

Trump also argued about America’s place in the world. “We shouldn’t be apologizing to the world. We’re apologizing for America, just like Obama apologized. Remember, he apologized. They should be apologizing to America for what they’ve done to it. That’s who I think should be apologizing to.”

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America Last

Afterward, Trump proceeded to dismantle the present government. “The Biden administration's ‘America last’ philosophy … is also making a mockery of our country right here at home.

Earlier this year, Biden signed an executive order pushing toxic, critical race theory into our children’s schools and into our military. How about our military?  This poisonous left-wing doctrine is flagrant racism, plain and simple, and it has no place in our schools, no place in our military, and no place in our country.”

Biden Repealed His Order Against Critical Race Theory

In addition, Trump referred to his executive order limiting the teaching of Critical Race Theory. However, Biden rescinded Trump’s order during his first day in office. “If you remember, I ended it very rapidly with a very powerful executive order, but that executive order was immediately repealed and terminated by the radical left. A Republican Congress will defund it and ban it once and for all. They’re going to ban it. They will get it done,” he added. 

The president also took shots at the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley. Even as Trump called CRT “Marxist ideology,” Milley defended the military's examination of critical race theory. 

Understanding White Rage

Also, Trump asked the crowd about Milley’s actions. “Can you believe it? He said he wanted to quote, ‘understand the White rage.' He wants to understand the White rage. What the hell is he talking about that for? Our generals should not be focused on learning left-wing ideology. They should be focused on defeating America’s enemies and winning our future wars. Hopefully, we don’t have them, but if we do, we have to win them,” he continued. 

As a result of his opposition to critical race theory, Trump said he remains a big target of the leftist crowd, “They’re still coming after me because I will never stop fighting and winning for you. Going through it for five years, five years.

From the very beginning of our movement, we have been fighting against some of the most corrupt, powerful, and entrenched forces imaginable. The professional political class, the deep state, the fake news media, the Russia hoaxers, the globalists, the socialists, the communists, the lobbyists, the corporate special interests who are absolutely terrible, and now the critical race theorists – all of them oppose our movement for a simple reason: We believe in putting America first,” he said.

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We Believe In Strength

Specifically, what the former President wants is very simple. “We believe in strong families, strong borders, and strong sovereign nations. We believe in fair trade for the American worker,” he concluded.

Watch The Hill video reporting that Trump slams Biden over critical race theory:

Do you agree with Critical Race Theory?

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What are your thoughts on critical race theory? In addition, do you support Trump’s campaign to limit its teaching? Why or why do you not support CRT?

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  • Elaine says:

    Funny how Racist this country supposedly is, yet thousands illegally enter the USA daily. Maybe we should mandate free plane tickets and escort those wanting to leave and return to their ancestry home. For everyone of them complaining and criticizing on social media, police show up at their door and escort them back to “country of origin” Hilariously, we would be sending quite a few back to Europe as well as Africa. I’d be willing to endure higher taxes for that kind of “ shut up or get out” policy.

  • David says:

    This is just the same political theater over at least the last 50 years. It’s always very restless, high tensions, race baiting when democrats are in power. There’a also more violence in the middle east due to democrats funding terrorism through Iran, to kill and attack Israeli’s. I always find it humorous when jewish people vote democrat.

  • Lisa says:

    If people don’t love and respect of great country & beautiful flag. Then get the f*** out of my county. I am a Native American and damn proud of my race & great country. I am not a prejudice person. I was raised by my father teaching us that no one is better than me and I’m no better than the next person. Always love & respect our country and our great flag. Always Stand for our great flag and Kneel for the cross. I leave you with God bless the greatest 45th.President Trump. Trump 2024

  • Rob says:

    Just like the BLM organization’s ‘curricula’ (propaganda) and other Marxist organizations’ propaganda, CRT is a method of indoctrination which would lead to the destruction of the U.S.A. as we know it. Marxism is based on hate, whether it is proletariat against bourgeoisie, the working class against the wealthy, oppressed against the oppressors, or black against white. And Marxism fails every time because it requires the working class to get equal pay no matter how much they work. It is the opposite of human psychology which expects pay relating to the amount of effort required or to the skill level required. Thus, Marxism will never be successful. The best example is the Soviet Union which totally collapsed even though they had a huge territory and the most nuclear weapons of any nation.

  • Homer Sipsome says:

    BLM’s use of funds says it all…they’re simply out to enrich themselves using race. They care none about their own people, inflaming racial hatred while burning their own businesses down, removing police while crimes against their own people skyrocket. Following the money is Critical Thinking.

  • BBA says:

    I am a white patriotic tax paying God fearing proud American and if any of these things make me a racist then by all means call me one because I do not give a damn what any of you totally clueless socialist idiots think about me!! It is past time to take this country back from the liberal cancer that is literally killing this country. It is time for many of you to grow a backbone and tell your Marxist neighbors, local school boards and teachers exactly where they can stick bs like CRT!! If minority groups want to demonize white people in this country then first thing they should do is cut off all help that we provide such as welfare and SS that keep many of them housed, fed and clothed!! Whites ARE the MAJORITY tax payers in the US and if we are such the racist scumbags that CRT wants to paint of us then STOP taking hand outs from us and stand on your own!!!

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