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Anti-Trump Cruz Now Wants Into White House
- While many observers, including Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.), had often floated Cruz’s name as a potential Supreme Court pick.
- During the primaries, Trump often referred to Cruz as “Lyin’ Ted,” and Cruz had animosity toward Trump.
According to The Hill, President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team is rumored to be considering none other than Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) for the position of attorney general.
While many observers, including Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.), had often floated Cruz’s name as a potential Supreme Court pick, there are many who would consider this choice just as good. Furthermore, Cruz has stated multiple times that he does not wish to serve on the Supreme Court.
This comes on the heels of Cruz being seen entering Trump Tower to “offer aid during the transition,” according to one transition aide.
Now it is being reported by CNN’s Jim Acosta that Cruz is on a “long short list” of potential candidates to head the Justice Department.
This was later confirmed by Bloomberg, who spoke to a source familiar with the matter.
Trump and Cruz have had a rather rocky relationship in the past. During the primaries, Trump often referred to Cruz as “Lyin’ Ted,” and Cruz had animosity toward Trump for his comments about his wife and father. This all seems to now be smoothed over now, however.
If Cruz is picked for AG, then he will have beaten out the reported likely pick for the position, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who has taken a very hardline stance against illegal immigration.
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He does not deserve to be in the White House.
I really don’t trust him!
God forbid! I look forward to the day when cruz is voted out of the Senate and his name is forgotten!
I think Ted Cruz would be a great asset to the Trump Team!
Ted Cruz is a good good man. He takes a stand and doesn’t back down. He and president Trump would make a great team. All that stuff in the primaries is just political dirt. Now it’s time to come together.
Cruz is part of the Bush-Clinton Crime Families. He and his wife have worked for years on NWO and open boarders. Cruz is anti-Trump back stabber, and out only for his personal gain. I view him as dangerous to US as Hillary!
He is the exact opposite of what you say! He was solicitor general in TX. & fought cases defending our constitution & sovereignty One case he fought against Bush & Intl. Court, the case was an illegal charged with murder. They wanted the case over turned but Cruz won! Defended 30 some states for the right to bear arms & e won that also. Many other cases. Trump was the one calling him a lyer during the primaries & after he won, he says no, Cruz doesn’t lie. Cruz also is the one that fought the hardest against Obamacare!
He is an example of the “snake” poem Mr. Trump used to recite during his campaign. Lyin’ Ted is a nefarious and treacherous louse. He deserves nothing, but to be shown the door!
Cruz was the only republican who stood up to the to the same Rhino republican establishment who were the Never Trump wing of the party. He might have won the nomination with their support .He is the only one to have balls enough to get things done !!
Cruz is a slick politician who secretly is pro global ization or new world order. He belongs to an off shoot of the Baptist Church that has off the chart ideas.
He is too eager to worm his way under the tent, to position himself to run for President in 2020! The he would be able to use his radical left leaning views of the world.
He would give amnesty to illegals and is milk toast when making hard line decisions.
He is very unlikable. Not honest and sneaky and conniving !
Do not trust this man nor his Whiney voice!!!
Not cabinet material!!!
Cruz may not be everyone’s best friend but he is a brilliant constitutionalist. He could be an extremely strong AG!
Ted Cruz, is a constitutional expert. If President Trump, can make ammends with a reliable agreement to trust each other this may be a good thing. The other senators would give their blessings I’am sure.
I don’t trust him. I can’t see how Mr. Trump could trust him.
Cruz like him or not is an erudite constitutionalist who would bring to the AG’S office the credibility tragically missing for the last 16 years.
After a brutal campaign with many negatives, Ted Cruz was a big man to admit he was wrong, and President Elect Trump a bigger man to forgive. They are Patriots, want to solve America’s problems and have Immigration, National Security and the need for rule of law in common.
Cruz would be at best a wish-washy AG. I am just not sure he can be trusted and as AG he must be above board on everything. I think Trey Gowdy might actually be a better choice for AG (he wouldn’t be bad on SCOTUS either). I think Trey has seen he is not afraid to go after powerful people (HilLIARy), and he seems to have a good head on he shoulders. Plus at the end of the day I would trust Trey Gowdy much more! Good Luck President Elect TRUMP.
Ted Cruz would be great because he is a good descant man! We need good honest men who have integrity and values.
He is not worthy of a high job! Does not get along with other senators . Does not like trump!
I think that once the battle is over they should talk and make the best decision for our country
Putting him in with the other supremes would be a brilliant tactical move by Trump. That would take Cruz out of the political area. Whether Cruz could win congressional approval is another question but if he did, kills two birds with one stone. Fills the vacancy with a conservative (at least for now. supremes have been known to change colors once safely ensconced on the bench ask Eisenhower about Earl Warren) and takes him out of the political arena. We haven’t had a supreme resign from the super court in a long time so it is doubtful that Cruz would give up the power of a supreme for life for a run at any office, including El Presidente.
I feel that there was so much animosity between them during the primaries that Cruz would follow his own agenda and abandon Trump and his plans for a ” Great America “.
I feel he is a traitor and shouldn’t be allowed with Trump
I disagree because he was so anti-trump during the campaign and said awful things about Mr. Trump. I don’t think you should put a liar and a cheat in charge of the JUSTICE dept.
Why not he is a fighter!
Cruz is a shoe in for ambassador to Canada.
Trump is above differences and Trump seeks whats best for the future. Cruz is my top choice for the judiciary.
Cruz cannot claim to be a steadfast constitutionalist and at the same time, support any open borders policies and immigration amnesty, or other proponents of free continental trade, unless, of course, Canada and Mexico were to adopt our constitution as their law.
Do not let this backstabbing JUDAS anywhere you are Mr TRUMP
Thank you
You got my support from day 1
Rose White
Knows the laws, constitution etc and would
assist Trump in getting the right people in
his team
Cruz is part of the problem! Keep him as far away as you can from the white house and fire him. Fire then all and put your own people in that is not part of the corrupt illegal government/ corporation. I’m sure Trump knows better than to keep anybody in this government with all their corruption.
“He’s hear today and gone tomorrow”
The only thing dependable about cruz, is he is not dependable
He did not support President elect Trump all through the campaign, and now that he has won, Ted wants in on the cookie jar.
He is highly skilled in his profession and would be an asset to the President.
Because CRUZ is a POS!!!
Don’t pick
Ted is a leader, we need to use his talent not to destroy him because he has these qualities. This country needs good men! Donald is reaching out to unite, I respect him for doing this, they both are needed to make our USA strong again!!!!
at one time i supported ted cruz, until he showed he is a snake, can’t be trusted, he is still wounded from the election, dangerous ali!!
He is a weasel who has proven that his loyalty is to himself alone. He is not smart, not to be trusted, not needed.
Ted Cruz has one of the best legal minds in the Senate. Trump is doing right, letting bygones be bygones, and choosing the best
people he can.
lyin ted does not deserve to be in the white house just wants in be another OBAMA mistress no way MR> PRESIDENT
I disagree that Cruz should be in any position of the government especially Supreme Court he is for the illegals as noted during primary, also he is a voter fraud candidate, he is not good for our country NOT TRUSTWORTHY.
He was a jerk to him and downed him every chance he got. Almost to the point wondered if he wasn’t voting for Hillary.
Ted Cruz knows and stands for our constitution and will keep the Judges from becoming totally liberal in their decisions
He is two face. I believe he never came across as someone I wanted leading our Country. Allen West and Trey Gowdy I want to see in the White House with Trump.
do not let the sun go down while you still hold your anger at somebody. Cruz dod that thank you
Because 1st he was trying to be president, and I think he would do anything to be in the White House. Ultimately the choice is president Trumps. But I don’t trust Cruz
Cruz is a weasel ! He only looks out for Cruz! Wants Secty of State job to use as stepping stone for Presidential run.
Cruz is a closet globalist.
Do not let his whiney voiced nose under the tent flap, He will sell out Trump and America!!
Bought his positions inbTexas! Smart, but also crafty and sly!
Turned down choice spit on Supreme Court.
He is a Progressive and will betray Trump!!
This man is so arrogant and acts more like a tv preacher than someone in politics. He didn’t back Mr. Trump like he agreed to do when he ran so I feel he can’t be trusted.
Cruz is a Cuban Snake.
Turn coat
The two looked like a good team until the wife Thing? Two good minds must come together
‘Lying Ted’! (Need I say more?)
Lyin’ Teddy is a fraud. The proof is he ran for POTUS claiming to be a NBC. If he were in fact a constitutional scholar, and not just another weasel, self-serving lawyer, he would have had to know he was not eligible under Article II by virtue of the fact that BOTH his parents were NOT US Citizens at the time of his birth. Furthermore, his mother renounced her US citizenship when she voluntarily took Canadian citizenship as Canada did NOT recognize dual citizenship meaning that NEITHER parent was a US citizen.
If all that is not enough, Teddy is married to a New World Order global elitist who, while a member of CFR, co-wrote a paper calling for the dissolution of our Constitution on order to form a north amerikan union which is treason.
On top of that, the brilliant constitutional “scholar” must have known that our Founders did not want attorneys in congress at all which is why they included the position that NO person may hold a title which includes “esquire”, the very title to which attorneys refer to themselves as being.
All things considered, Ted is a phony who is only interested in Teddy. Why else is he now so anxious to be part of Trump’s team after all the vile things he said during the campaign?