Star Wars Daisy Ridley: ‘Every Sane Person’ Has an ‘Issue with Trump’

In a recent interview, “Star Wars” actress Daisy Ridley said that “every sane person” has an issue with President Trump. Ridley spoke with The Guardian and aimed at both President Trump and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
She was asked if she finds it difficult to voice out about politics since the Star Wars franchise is owned by Disney, in which Ridley said, “No. I don’t feel I have to edit what I say — the things that make me angry are the things that make everyone angry.” “Everyone is annoyed with BoJo,” she said, referencing Johnson.
“Everyone has an issue with Trump — every sane person anyway. It’s not that I don’t talk about this stuff, but other people are so much more articulate than me and say it better,” she added.
Ridley also spoke about inequality in Hollywood “and how her participation in the lucrative franchise has afforded her the possibility to turn down other roles for various reasons, including equal pay and sexism,” reported Washington Examiner.

While it may be close to being true that ”every sane person has an issue with” OUR PRESIDENT, WHEN HAS THIS NOT BEEN TRUE? I, too, have issues with my President, but they are FAR OUT-DISTANCED by my issues with the other choice I had in the election. And, for the record, he has done much better than any other President in my lifetime at doing what he said he was going to do!
I agree, I shutter to think what would have happened if Hillary was elected. Our republic would be over.
Shudder No offence.
Nice that the series is ending and she can shoot her ugly mouth off. I don’t care what actors say. They are paid to pretend……well pretend your option matters!!!!!!
President Trump best President in my 62 years on this planet…….can’t wait till his daughter becomes first woman President lol you heard that right
Almost every Hollywood Star and Starlet who is currently working in Hollywood are doing so because they are owned, bought, and paid for and do what they are told to do or else. That’s why so many stars have a problem with our President. They want to work.
If you or any one has a issue with President Trump. Take the issue with you on your way out of the country. What did Weinstein say ? Put out or get out.
You have just been added to our list of actors who we will not pay to see. We will in no way contribute to your life style and crazy rants.
Another know-it-all Millennial that knows nothing. she’s a child who see’s the world through rose colored glasses. She states her opinion. We all have opinions. Opinions are like pinky toes we all have at least one.
She was asked if she finds it difficult to voice out about politics since the Star Wars franchise is owned by Disney, in which Ridley said, “No. I don’t feel I have to edit what I say — the things that make me angry are the things that make everyone angry.”
The things that make her angry are the things that make EVERYONE in showbiz angry. Let her disagree with the vast majority of politically correct progressives in Hollywood and see how long “her participation in the lucrative system” lasts…
It’s as if actors and actresses really think we care about what they say. Just a bunch of overpaid idiots if you ask me. Who cares what all those liberal people think. I certainly don’t.