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Trump Orders DOJ to Declassify FBI Files on Russian Ties

On his final day at work, President Donald Trump gave the order to declassify FBI files on his alleged Russian ties during the 2016 campaign. Hours before leaving the White House, the President issued a memo. He instructed the Justice Department to declassify the FBI reports, codenamed Crossfire Hurricane.
RELATED: FBI Agent on Mueller Team Blasts Special Counsel for ‘Get Trump’ Attitude
Earlier in his term, Trump declared his intention to publicize the investigation results. He called it a “witch hunt” at the time, and vowed to release the confidential information. Neither Trump nor any other White House official reveals any information contained in the files. Trump only said that the files came from a binder of materials that the DOJ sent to the White House last month.
Crossfire Memo
In a memo issued the evening of January 19, Trump wrote that “At my request, on December 30, 2020, the Department of Justice provided the White House with a binder of materials related to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation. Portions of the documents in the binder have remained classified and have not been released to Congress or the public. I requested the documents so that a declassification review could be performed and so I could determine to what extent materials in the binder should be released in unclassified form.”
Some parts of the binder will remain redacted despite Trump’s order to declassify FBI files. Two days ago, the agency requested to keep the entire binder confidential for security reasons. It believed that all materials should remain classified. However, some items are particularly crucial and should at least be redacted. “This is my final determination under the declassification review and I have directed the Attorney General to implement the reductions proposed in the FBI’s January 17 submission and return to the White House an appropriately redacted copy,” he added. Therefore, the material for release will not be complete but instead will have some areas blacked out.
Crossfire Hurricane
The investigation stemmed from accusations that the Trump campaign actively collaborated with Russia to influence the 2016 Presidential election. The Department of Justice tapped Special Counsel Robert Mueller to look into alleged ties between the Trump campaign but found no evidence of collusion. The Mueller report did say that the Russian government actively interfered in the 2016 presidential election and violated US criminal law. However, the investigation failed to produce any evidence that the Trump campaign coordinated or conspired with Russia in its election interference activities.
Political analysts think that the order to declassify FBI files is a way for President Trump to discredit the Russia probe and exonerate the campaign team. The timing and the practical impact remains unclear, as the President left within a few hours after issuing the memo.
Last Day In Office
Trump also delivered a 20-minute farewell address earlier, deliberately refusing to mention his successor, Democrat Joe Biden. Instead, he referred to the incoming presidency as the “next” and “new” administration. He did acknowledge in his farewell address that he will “hand power over to a new administration at noon on Wednesday” – when Trump’s term ends and Biden’s begins. He prayed for the success of the next administration.
The President indicated no plans of attending Biden’s inauguration and is flying to his Florida home instead. Heis the fourth President in US history not to attend his successor’s inaugural.
Watch the ABC news video covering President Donald Trump’s farewell address outlining his accomplishments:

Do you agree with the order to declassify FBI files? Will this bring vindication to the FBI’s allegations of collusion with Russia? Or, is it too late by this point? Let us know what you think by sharing your thoughts below.

Yes,agree, Should have never happened to start with, if all people of this country believed in supporting the US Constitution as written. It will be great if President Trump does decide to Form the Patriot Party. Then the Obama Shadow Government will have some competition. Several million of we the people prefer a Democratic Republic Government as designed by the US Constitution of our forefathers, instead of the mixtures of Socialist Nazism, Leninism/Marxism, Stalinism, or Communism, that this Country is headed for!
It’s going to redact anything that shows the doj,cia,fbi,was complacent in the investigation of President Trump and his team going to cover their lies of taking part of the witch 🧙♀️ hunt…..
We all knew it was a joke before it ever started.
People didnt like Trump, especially people within the White House and senate because they all knew he could not be bought!
Such cowards as the left are they had to rig an election before Trum continued draining the swamp!
I called myself a Republican for years, but because of the turncoats in the Republican party, I now denounce that party. I hope many fed up republicans and fair minded democrats will join me!
I will follow Trump through the muck and mire to help him succeed in 4 more years.
In the meantime all you idiots who legally voted for Biden, hold on tight because you just elected a Nazi like minded man with an evil mistress as VP.
I hope everyone of you lose something important to you, a business, a job, family and or church, for your mistake of voting communism into our nation.
May god have mercy on your souls that have been a part of the lies, the fraudulent election, and the joe biden presidency!!😡
If it was a joke, then let us see for ourselves.
I want justice for this witch hunt that cost the American taxpayers millions of dollars ant the guilty should be prosecuted to the full extent.