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Democrats Skip Inauguration | Liberals Trash American Values





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Democrats Skip Inauguration | Liberals Trash American Values, What Else Is New?

More than 60 House Democrats announced that they’re skipping Donald Trump’s inauguration on Friday.

You know what I say to that?

“You’re fired!”

Look, I get that you’re all upset that your precious Hillary lost. But it’s time to man up and serve your country! Remember that little thing you said when you started your term? What was that? Oh right, an oath of office.

And I quote,

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”


I looked that up. Do you know what it says?
allegiance Democrats Skip Inauguration | Liberals Trash American Values

Loyalty. Not something you see from the Dems.

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What do they think is going to happen by skipping the inauguration? Do they think Trump will stop and say “hmmm, ya know, I feel really bad that those 60 lawmakers won’t be at my swearing in, maybe I’ll just not be president.”? The election is over. The Donald won fair and square, even with all of Crooked Hillary’s resources and funding. You can’t change the rules of the game just because you’re unhappy with the results.

The truth is, it’s time for everyone to shape up and work together under our new president’s leadership. Or get out. I hear Canada is lovely this time of year.

I’m not saying the Democrats have to love everything President Trump says, but rooting against him, protesting him, and wanting him to fail is like wanting the boat you’re on to sink. The swearing in ceremony of the president is meant to inspire the country and to unite us all.

By not participating, these members of Congress are hurting the country.

US congress Democrats Skip Inauguration | Liberals Trash American Values

They’re splitting the government and showing our country as week to China and other threats around the world. And there should be a penalty for that. If they’re not willing to work with the new administration, then what the point of them even being in office? We can’t make America great again if we spend all our time fighting each other.

These people are violating their oath of office and should be fired from their positions.

At least all the Democrat Senators will be attending.

Trump’s Transition Spokesman Sean Spicer had a great response to show the new administration’s concern over the issue:

“We’d love for every member of Congress to attend but if they don’t, we’ve got some great seats for others to partake in, It’s a shame that these folks don’t want to be part of the peaceful transfer of power.”

Well if they don’t want their prime seats, I know a whole bunch of people who are more than happy to fill in!

Do you agree with our post on Democrats Skip Inauguration? Let us know in the comment section below.

If you believe we should not only be in attendance, but should be able to bring our guns to Trump's Inauguration, read our post Guns at Trump’s Inauguration | Welcoming Our President the Right Way!

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  • Linda says:

    just because your candidate did’t win-so you choose not to support your president. Talk about being rude and inconsiderate. People elected you, time for all of you to go, stay home or get a real job.

  • carol hyndman says:

    I believe they should be fired. They are only elected for a two year term, and they should be able to suck it up nicely until the end of their terms and allow someone who CAN work peaceably with others, like grownups, to take their places in the next House elections.
    Wishing President Trump well for the next 4-8 years. Maybe America CAN be great again!

  • C Whit1 says:

    They are traitors how about taking care of the real problems that our country has and make an effort to turn things around to me they are interfering with the workings of our gov’t and that is a traitor the American people do not want politicians squabbling over meaningless things like how many people showed up for the inauguration and now Trump and Spicer are now total liars and cannot be trusted it is a total sham. This election was batshit crazy and the way the media acted and is acting now is a freaking disgrace they are fighting like a couple of school kids and now all they will do is spend the next four years making issue with every move and every word Trump says this is treasonous and interferes with the smooth workings of our gov’t which is having a direct affect on the American people and does not allow the gov’t to work for the American people and provide solutions to many of the country’s problems insterad of bickering I dont think the American people there to waste time but these pampered, candy-ass and spoiled politicians think its their gov’t to do as they think but its gonna be a-changin’ there folks
    C Whit

  • Tommy says:

    Our government should be setting an example for the people and work together despite its differences especially the far left democratic liberals they are the ones causing chaos and division amongst the people, also the news/ media should be held accountable for their lack of truth and spreading vicious lies!!

  • Bret says:

    Because it’s their job and they should be taking it more seriously. They should also have more respect.

  • L.A. Sanders says:

    Because once elected, the President is to be respected. Anyone who didn’t come disrespected the office and those who believe in Trump. Fire them all! Drain the swamp!

  • T.L. Mierke says:

    Drain the swamp!!

  • Robert says:

    In Seattle people are marching in the streets with signs and chants “Let the Muslims In”! If only they truly knew what they are wishing for. In many of the Muslim Countries march and chant Death to America/Death to Americans and the people want to open the doors and let them into our country. When this happens there will be some radical Muslims come in with the refugees. These radical Muslims will proceed to radicalize as many other Muslims as they can, it is like the plague and will spread through out the country. Who are you going to call when you are dyeing ? Are you going to call your Muslim friends?
    Wake up and get educated as to who is the real enemy! Muslims are bringing with them Sharia Law which will take away your rights for being a non Muslim.
    This stuff will result in another Civil War.

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