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DNC Is Falling Apart After Trump Victory
- In fact, tensions were so bad that while interim leader of the DNC was giving what was a called a “rip-roaring speech” to around 150 staffers.
- “You are part of the problem,” he shouted. “You and your friends will die of old age and I’m going to die from climate change.
Tensions were understandably high during the first meeting of the Democratic National Committee since the election. What they thought was going to be an easy win — with Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton walking into the Oval Office with little trouble — had their hopes and expectations dashed when now President-elect Donald Trump took the victory.
In fact, tensions were so bad that while interim leader of the DNC was giving what was a called a “rip-roaring speech” to around 150 staffers, when one staffer by the name of “Zach” stood up and began asking questions.
“Why should we trust you as chair to lead us through this?” he asked. “You backed a flawed candidate, and your friend plotted through this to support your own gain and yourself.”
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The “friend” Zach was referring to was Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who was caught actively working to sabotage Senator Bernie Sander’s (D-Vt) campaign during the primaries.
According to two witnesses, other staffers began to boo Zach down, but the man continued with some accusations.
“You are part of the problem,” he shouted. “You and your friends will die of old age and I’m going to die from climate change. You and your friends let this happen, which is going to cut 40 years off my life expectancy.”
At that point, Zach collected his belongings and stormed out as Brazile called after him, asking where he was going.
While there was some agreement with Zach’s actions in the room, it’s reported that the staffers present overwhelmingly supported Brazile, and that some of the staffers had tears in their eyes due to the speech being so moving.
Brazile herself was recently in some hot water when she was caught leaking CNN debate questions to the Clinton campaign. This in turn caused CNN to let her go as one of their analysts. A fact that she remains unapologetic for.

When you support traitors, murders, liars, thieves that’s what you get, disention
[email protected]
Instead of trying to move forward they are all looking for someone to blame for the election loss, they may need to look into their policy’s
They have all been feathering their own nests at the expense of the American people and now A true American has stood up and said enough. May God bless all his efforts . Let America rise again.
Their constituency is out of control in the streets and Mr Obama, the current Democratic “President” must be out playing golf, spending the tax payers hard earned money, instead of addressing the situation! He is using his last days to amuse himself, fiddling around while his people are burning the country down.
The DNC and Hillary Clinton sabotaged Bernie Sander’s campaign. Donna Brazile and Debbie Wasserman-Shultz are dishonest. The DNC is corrupt from top to bottom
! am very disappointed with the Obama & Clinton administration how thru their policies & actions have created a enviourment where we took a shellacking
The DNC thought they were invincible and now that they know the Republicans are still a viable force in this country. And the Reps. now know they can still win a presidency. If the Reps. are smart they will not let up and they should not play Mr. nice guy. Viva Trump.
And the only person that’s to blame is Crooked Hilary herself! It’s her that the Crooked Dems supported and nominated to run! Crooked is as Crooked does!
They support violent protesters
First off who Hillary had more votes from the people than trump did so without the stupid electorial vote that is bullshit who would of be president it wouldn’t be trump it should be who has the most votes period not no electoral that picks the winner who has the most votes should win no let’s talk about a criminal Hillary was cleared now let’s see if trump gets cleared or impeached on his charges of fraud for his bullshit college that he was charging 30 grand to attend when it was nothing but a bunch of get rich tricks that didn’t work so now again who is the criminal oh and for all the riots why should the president say anything let the police in whatever state handle it period they are only mad because they don’t want a racists bigot in office can you blame them when the person they voted for had more votes than trump but hi still won where do they do that at
They do that in a REPUBLIC which is what we are. Without it mob rule would dictate everything!
They have been for a long time. Their corruption and cheating has caught up with them. Couldn’t happen to a better bunch of crooks.
When will they learn that when you play with crap, there is no “clean end” by which you can pick it up without getting dirty?
look at the violence and destruction happening around the country with these protestors and Obama and Hillary do NOTHING.
It appears that neither Hillary, Obama, nor their supporters can handle the unexpected. Obama must immediately quell the riots, which can be done with a few words and actions. It appears that he does not WANT to do this or he feels incapable of doing the right thing.
The more that our citizens see how they behave, the more that the people of the United States will see that the election of our new leader was the right decision.
Since Trump is not yet president, then the only thing that these protesters can be protesting is our constitutional republic and how it operates. If they cannot accept this, then they either need to follow the legal procedures to change it, accept it, or leave the country for Cuba or Venezuela if they prefer rule by the majority, socialism, or a dictatorship.
They all fear they will be losing out on the gravy train… more freebies… more corruption allowing them to accumulate some wealth.
Because hellery is disgusting
This is the first generation of the always correct generation, they have always received a trophy for doing nothing, been patted on the head instead of being punished for misbehaving, always told they cannot do anything wrong and now you see on college campus’s that they are demanding safe zone to protect them from truth and real world facts.
These kids have no clue what the real world is like and now they think everything is just peachy and if they call Trump bad names everything will be just fine.
They need to be spanked and sat in a corner for the first time in their lives before they wind up being guest in the federal penitentiary.
Corruption will eventually be the downfall of any organization, IMHO.
All the corruption will be exposed
The DNC is and always has been a mis-guided, ill-informed, anti-American, anti-Constitution, unorganized, lying, corrupt, self-serving misfits who put themselves and their personal interests and unethical remuneration ahead of The U. S. of A. and All Americans. The DNC is a big pile of shit and needs to be flushed down the toilet once and for all.
The left has always been a bunch of hateful, arrogant, smug, name calling, know it all fools. They are all banded together in shallow thinking taught by communists and fascists found in the colleges and universities and Democratic Party. They are like rats in the corn crib. There are no original thinkers among them. They worship and parrot their communist and socialism Gods and their brainless hateful manipulative leaders like Saul Olinsky (so). I hope the rise of Donald Trump and his Presidency are so good that the Dimocrat Party will be destroyed forever just like the Clintons are now unless they rise again like the stupid globalists and other imbeciles they worship.
They’ve lost touch with those, they claim to be representing. They have become the party of elitists, and the arrogant rich!
Because they have lost pretty much everything and can’t handle it. They’re like a bunch of babies!!!!
some peope cannt handle it when theylose.
They are starting to wake up and realize all the lies they have been spreading. They are starting to “throw each other under the bus”. They are forming a circular fireing squad.
The 2 leading DNC Ladies are discredited, HRC is blaming every one else for her loss. They lack leaders.
They are liars and thieves, and self serving. It
would be better to disband them, oh, and the
other party too. It’s all bullshit.