Perceptions and Priorities | Why is it, what some consider common sense, and obvious, others do not appear, concerned about, nor feel the same – way?...
Political Hypocrisy | Are there, actually, so many ignorant Americans, or, simply, do they, purposely, enjoy ignoring reality, unless/ until, it fits, neatly, into their personal/...
6 Relevant Sustainable Necessities | Despite, the inconvenience of it, nearly, every expert/ scientist, warns, of the potential dangers of climate change! This nation, and the...
Why Do American Voters | I'm sick and tired, and not going to take it anymore! This line, from the decades – ago, movie, Network, expressed an...
The racism and hate displayed against black people and other minorities in the United States have come to the forefront as a huge problem for the...
Real And Fake Facts | In the last few years, we have witnessed, many, in, supposedly, public service, and/ or seeking to be, use the expressions,...
We Must Vote Our Hopes | Wouldn't it, be nice, if our elected officials, appealed to us, in an aspirational manner, rather than, our fears, biases,...
Although partisan politics, for – better or worse, are a component of the American political system/ process, there are times, and circumstances, when, partisanship, is, little...
There are a lot of people who look towards the mainstream media to keep them informed about what is taking place in the world. And, thanks...
Ensure Fairness | For many years, certain men took advantage of their power, influence, or the so-called, climate, created, of considering, a degree of sexual harassment,...