1. Create a Path to the Fair, Thorough, Investigation:
It is past – time, for there to be, a well-considered, path, of course, to ensure, a fair, thorough, investigation. Women should be encouraged, to step – forward, if they feel, appropriate, but, the rampant press coverage, and accusations, without a thorough, review of the line, between facts and accusations, should be limited!
Otherwise, we risk, politically, or other reasons/ motivations, which, might create, the potential, for individuals, being, falsely, accused, etc!
2. Don’t Let the Media Become the So-Called, Court:
Our system of government, calls, for any accused, to have the right, to Due Process, including the right to face his accusers, cross-examine them, demand proof (instead of accusations), and receive a fair trial!
When, the recent news, regarding, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, spends a disproportionate amount of time, discussing the accusations, even though we have seen, only the accuser's claims (but little, other proof, at least, to date), and the media, and certain politicians have piled – on, we are behaving, like a modern-day, type of lynching – mob!
I don't pretend, I know, the facts, or anyone's guilt, or innocence, I believe, we must wait, until there is a thorough, fair, investigation!
3. Keep Politicians Out of the Discussion:
We've witnessed, too many opportunistic politicians, who, articulate a message, which might be, motivated, either, by their personal relationships, with the accused, or other political/ personal motivations/ agenda, and/ or, self-interest!
These statements must be considered, inappropriate, until, all relevant facts, are investigated, thoroughly, and impartially!
4. Ramifications:
We must protect, and balance, the ramifications, of this process, to ensure, both, the accused, and the accuser, are entitled to a fair process! Let's demand, avoidance of a rush-to-judgment!
5. Minimize Politics, and Politicians, as Part, of the Process:
Especially, during the earlier stages, we must demand, politicians, don't, simply, jump – on – the – bandwagon, and attempt to use these situations, as an attempt to assist their personal/ political agenda, etc!
If we permit, this rush-to-judgment, we diminish, the necessary, desirable, fairness, and due process, of law! Let's protect both sides, until substantial proof, is gathered, carefully, and thoroughly!