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First Presidential Debate Wrap-Up: A Clinton Victory
The First presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is over and what a kick off it was. Both candidates stuck to their platform but failed to “reinvent” themselves on the night's stage. That could be a benefit or a weakness depending on how you already felt about the candidates.
Here is a breakdown of how the two candidates did.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump started the night off calm and composed. He looked like a president that offered a very electable alternative over Hillary Clinton. Unfortunately, that didn't last long. After about fifteen minutes into the debate, Trump lost his composure and went into full rage mode at everything Hillary said.
It wasn't all a loss though, as Donald Trump got in some very good attacks on Clinton. Time after time he made comparisons to Hillary Clinton and the people who are ruining this country.
“The country is suffering because people like Secretary Clinton have made such bad decisions in terms of our jobs and in terms of what's going on.”
Donald Trump also made some memorable moments, like when he said that he would release his tax returns when Hillary released the 33,000 emails that she had deleted.
However, he needed to nail Hillary harder on issues like the Clinton Foundation and her foreign policy blunders in Benghazi and Syria. He also conceded some major points to Clinton such as the no fly no buy policy which gun rights activists have been opposed too. He also said that he had dodged taxes which may come back to hurt him in the future and may speed up how soon the public gets to see his tax reports.
In the end, he made a lot of mistakes and only a few memorable jabs. His whole argument came down to one statement, “Hillary has experience, but it's bad experience.”
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Hillary Clinton
Hillary on the other hand, stayed nice and mostly robotic as we have come to expect. She joked with Donald a couple of times and tried to prod him into saying something dumb during the debate, which usually worked
Her best line of the evening may have been, “I call it Trumped up trickled down.” Which referred to Donald Trump's economic policy.
Hillary somehow managed to keep her health under control as well. We, as I am sure many of you, were watching and waiting for her to go into a coughing spasm, but it never came.
How many drugs did they have to pump into Hillary so she wouldn't caugh for 90 minutes straight? #debatenight
— Absolute Rights (@absoluterights) September 27, 2016
She did a very good job of attacking Donald Trump on his business record, his tax returns, his treatment of workers, and his legal battles. Overall, she stayed on message in a way that is scary for anyone opposed to her taking the White House.
In the end, I fear that it was a good night for Hillary Clinton.
As moderator, Lester Holt did a terrible job of reining in the two candidates. They could not be controlled and walked all over the debate's host.
It was not a good night for Donald Trump. He played into Hillary's tactics too well and allowed himself to be lead rather than taking the fight to her. He will have to do better in the next one if he wants to win over any undecided voters.
Who do you think is winning #debatenight
— Absolute Rights (@absoluterights) September 27, 2016