Former Army Lt. Lorance Thanks Trump For Doing The Right Thing, Calls Out Biden for Insincere Remarks

In 2013, Army First Lieutenant Clint Lorance was sentenced to 19 years at the United States Penitentiary in Leavenworth, Kansas.
He was convicted on two accounts of second-degree murder in a case steeped with controversy.
Don Brown wrote and published a book on the matter, titled “Travesty of Justice: The Shocking Prosecution of Lieutenant Clint Lorance.”
In it, he highlights the fact that, at the time of the incident, the Taliban was claiming responsibility for suicide bombings targeting American and Afghanistan citizens by motorcycle.
At the time of the incident that landed Lorance in jail, his platoon had already been under heavy fire for 30 days. That morning, they intercepted intelligence predicting a Taliban ambush on their location.
Not long after, they saw 3 Afghan men – all of military age – speeding toward them. The men were traveling down a road under Taliban control.
A road that, just the day before, had been the site of a sniper attack against the platoon. And these men were speeding toward them, ignoring all signs warning to stay off of that very road.
Lorance had stepped up to fill the boots of the platoon’s injured leader.
With only seconds to react, he ordered his men to open fire in an act of self-defense. Two of the riders – later confirmed to have been Taliban bomb makers – were killed.
But thanks to Obama’s rules of engagement, the Army prosecuted Lorance with second-degree murder.
Brown has now spoken out against the decision, pointing out “Charging our military members with murder in cases where they are simply acting in self-defense is dangerous.”
President Trump agrees.
Speaking on a similar incident in May, he told reporters “Some of these soldiers are people that have fought hard, long. You know, we teach them how to be great fighters, and then when they fight, sometimes they get, really, treated unfairly.”
And so Trump issued a federal pardon for Lt. Lorance, as well as others in similar predicaments.
Lorance Expresses His Gratitude
Lorance recently gave his first interview, appearing on Fox & Friends. In it, he expressed his gratitude to the President, who called him personally before he was released.
“President Trump is somebody that sees something that’s wrong and fixes it and doesn’t care whose feelings it hurts,” Lorance told his hosts. “And that’s what I learned when I was talking to him on the phone.”
“I love you, sir,” he told Trump: “You’re awesome. I’ll say this, Mr. President, I wish you had a better team around you. You need more people watching your back. And I think you don’t have a lot of that. And that is absolutely unfortunate. And that infuriates me to no end.”
Not everyone was so happy to have the young man given his due freedom, though – including Biden, who made several negative comments on the matter.
“With all due respect to the former vice president, that just seems to be a partisan answer,” Lorance said, highlighting Biden’s trademark hypocrisy. “He’s doing what he thinks his donors and the people that are signing his paycheck are expecting him to do. And I think if you were to sit down with him face to face, I think he’d have an issue saying that face to face.”
“I can’t tell you how much I appreciate President Trump and Vice President Pence,” he said later. “And I just – I love them. They’re awesome. They’re great people… A soldier, a service member who knows their commanders love them will go to the gates of hell for their country and knock them down.”