Election 2016
Glenn Beck Shamelessly Attacks Trump’s Wife For Cruz
- Glenn Beck attacked Melania Trump, the wife of GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, by accusing the former fashion model of “posing nude in lesbian porno shots.”
- Glenn Beck prefaced his comments by stating, “This is not an attack, this is an honest question.”
- Beck claimed that in a Trump presidency “the First Lady would be the first to have posed nude in lesbian porno shots.”
Last August, Glenn Beck attacked Melania Trump, the wife of GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, by accusing the former fashion model of “posing nude in lesbian porno shots.”
The accusation came as part of a lengthy Facebook post-Beck wrote last summer criticizing the Trump candidacy. The talk radio host prefaced his comments by stating, “This is not an attack, this is an honest question.”
He then proceeded to list his issues with the New York billionaire, which included a swipe at the candidate’s wife. Beck claimed that in a Trump presidency “the First Lady would be the first to have posed nude in lesbian porno shots.”
Beck’s accusation, which as of yet is unverified by any credible source, was blasted by fellow radio talker Sean Hannity, who wrote in response: “I thought you were libertarian? Also, I go back to the fact that you have changed. Trump’s wife is a mother and what she did in the past doesn’t make my top 10,000 list of problems we face as a country.”
Some would also argue that dredging up past indiscretions is a dangerous tactic for a former “morning zoo” shock jock whose on-air antics were famous for being excessively cruel even for that medium.
Beck was the first, but not the last Cruz surrogate to attack Trump’s wife. This week an online attack ad featured an image of the Slovenian-born fashion model from a GQ magazine photo shoot in 2000 before she was married to Trump. The ad reads: “Meet Melania Trump. Your next First Lady. Or, you could support Ted Cruz on Tuesday.”
Republican strategist Liz Mair, who runs the Super PAC responsible for the ad, claimed it was directed specifically at Mormon women in Utah. After facing blowback on Twitter for “slut-shaming” the GOP frontrunner’s wife, Mair tweeted, “I’m fine w Melania’s prior work. But I’m not a Mormon woman. I also want to defeat her husband.”
Trump, for his part, took to Twitter to defend his wife and blast Cruz. He tweeted, “Lyin’ Ted Cruz just used a picture of Melania from a G.Q. shoot in his ad. Be careful, Lyin’ Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife!”
Cruz responded to him on Twitter with: “Pic of your wife not from us. Donald, if you try to attack Heidi, you’re more of a coward than I thought. #classless”
Source: Breitbart