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Rep. Greene Will File Impeachment Charges Against Biden

Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene will file impeachment charges against President-elect Joe Biden. She plans to file the charges on January 21, two days after assuming her role as one of Georgia’s newest House representatives.
RELATED: Impeachment: House of Democrats Pushing for 25th Amendment
Leaders Should Hold Themselves Accountable
Appearing on Newsmax’s Greg Kelly Report, Green said “I would like to announce on behalf of the American people, we have to make sure that our leaders are held accountable. We cannot have a president of the United States that is willing to abuse the power of the office of the presidency and be easily bought off by foreign governments, foreign Chinese energy companies, Ukrainian energy companies.” Because of those reasons, Greene will file impeachment charges against Biden on January 21.
Asked what the charges will contain, Greene said that “Joe Biden is on record, on the phone, saying that he will withhold a billion dollars of foreign aid if he didn't get his way with these deals with his son.” USA Today fact-checked Greene’s allegation and declared the claim as false. It confirmed that Biden to persuade Ukraine to “to oust its top prosecutor.” by leveraging foreign aid. However, Biden’s reason is for Ukraine to continue with its anti-corruption efforts. USA Today said that the entire incident has no connection with Hunter Biden.
“Fearful of a Biden Presidency”
During the Newsmax appearance, Green mentioned the recent riots at the US Capitol. She said: “I can't imagine people in this country being so fearful of a future of a Biden presidency that they may be willing to commit violence like they did at the Capitol.” Greene clarified that she does not condone violence. “The American people need hope, they need to know that there are Republicans in Congress that are willing to stand up and fight for them regardless of being a minority, regardless of having all odds against us, against me,” she said.
Greene accused Democrats of using socialism to “tear this country down.” She said that the country's silent majority has had it with “being the target and not having representatives, not having people in Congress stand up for them.” As such, Greene said the GOP needs to make drastic changes.
Greene’s Congressional Career
Marjorie Greene represents Georgia’’s 14th congressional district, which encompasses the northwest part of the state. She ran on a far-right platform and used the “Save America, Stop Socialism” slogan. She is a known supporter of several conspiracy views, including QAnon and the Deep State. During the runoff elections for the 14th district, President Donald Trump gave his support to her. He tweeted that Greene is a “future Republican Star” who is ” strong on everything and never gives up — a real WINNER!”
Greene is one of the 139 Republicans who objected during the counting of electoral votes. She raised an objection in the counting of Michigan's electors. However, nobody from the Senate supported it. During the Capitol riot that ensued, Greene called for an end to violence and support for President Trump. During the House debate to remove the President from office, she tweeted that Democrats should face accountability for “political violence inspired by their rhetoric.” Since Democrats continue to push for Trump's impeachment, Greene will file impeachment charges on Biden.
Watch The Hill news video discussing plans by Marjorie Taylor Greene to file impeachment against Biden on his first day:

Do you support Greene’s plan to file impeachment charges against President-elect Joe Biden soon as he assumes office? Let us know what you think about Marjorie Greene and her role in the Republican party. Share your views and comments below.

She’s stupid
Why not? That is the way of Pelosi.
Fight fire with fire, Rep Greene is a brave patriot, the socialist will have there hands full with Rep. Greene. She is bringing the fight to save this country to them.